2015-10-08 60 views

我正在使用jsonschema2pojo-maven-plugin v0.4.7從JSON模式生成POJO類。在那裏我想獲取動態生成的pojo類的屬性。pojo類包含onather pojo類。是否有解決方案來閱讀包含onather的pojo類的字段?例如在這種情況下,我有Employee pojo,因爲有Address對象我想要獲取這兩個類的字段。如何從動態生成pojo類中獲取屬性



    "$schema": "http://json-schema.org/draft-04/schema#", 
    "type": "object", 
    "properties": { 
    "empId": { 
     "type": "integer" 
    "lastName": { 
     "type": "string" 
    "title": { 
     "type": "string" 
    "salary": { 
     "type": "integer" 
    "address": { 
     "type": "object", 
     "properties": { 

     "city": { 
      "type": "string" 
     "pincode": { 
      "type": "integer" 
     "type": "string" 

    "phoneNo": { 
     "type": "object", 
     "properties": { 

     "mobile": { 
      "type": "integer" 
     "landLine": { 
      "type": "integer" 




public class Employee { 

private Integer empId; 
private String lastName; 
private String title; 
private Integer salary; 
private Address address; 
private PhoneNo phoneNo; 
private Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); 

* @return 
*  The empId 
public Integer getEmpId() { 
    return empId; 

* @param empId 
*  The empId 
public void setEmpId(Integer empId) { 
    this.empId = empId; 

* @return 
*  The lastName 
public String getLastName() { 
    return lastName; 

* @param lastName 
*  The lastName 
public void setLastName(String lastName) { 
    this.lastName = lastName; 

* @return 
*  The title 
public String getTitle() { 
    return title; 

* @param title 
*  The title 
public void setTitle(String title) { 
    this.title = title; 

* @return 
*  The salary 
public Integer getSalary() { 
    return salary; 

* @param salary 
*  The salary 
public void setSalary(Integer salary) { 
    this.salary = salary; 

* @return 
*  The address 
public Address getAddress() { 
    return address; 

* @param address 
*  The address 
public void setAddress(Address address) { 
    this.address = address; 

* @return 
*  The phoneNo 
public PhoneNo getPhoneNo() { 
    return phoneNo; 

* @param phoneNo 
*  The phoneNo 
    enter code here  */ 
public void setPhoneNo(PhoneNo phoneNo) { 
    this.phoneNo = phoneNo; 

public String toString() { 
    return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this); 

public Map<String, Object> getAdditionalProperties() { 
    return this.additionalProperties; 

public void setAdditionalProperty(String name, Object value) { 
    this.additionalProperties.put(name, value); 

public int hashCode() { 
    return new HashCodeBuilder().append(empId).append(lastName).append(title).append(salary).append(address).append(phoneNo).append(additionalProperties).toHashCode(); 

public boolean equals(Object other) { 
    if (other == this) { 
     return true; 
    if ((other instanceof Employee) == false) { 
     return false; 
    Employee rhs = ((Employee) other); 
    return new EqualsBuilder().append(empId, rhs.empId).append(lastName, rhs.lastName).append(title, rhs.title).append(salary, rhs.salary).append(address, rhs.address).append(phoneNo, rhs.phoneNo).append(additionalProperties, enter code hererhs.additionalProperties).isEquals(); 



public class Address { 

private String city; 
private Integer pincode; 
private String landMark; 
private Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new HashMap<String,  Object>(); 

* @return 
*  The city 
public String getCity() { 
    return city; 

* @param city 
*  The city 
public void setCity(String city) { 
    this.city = city; 

* @return 
*  The pincode 
public Integer getPincode() { 
    return pincode; 

* @param pincode 
*  The pincode 
public void setPincode(Integer pincode) { 
    this.pincode = pincode; 

* @return 
*  The landMark 
public String getLandMark() { 
    return landMark; 

* @param landMark 
*  The landMark 
public void setLandMark(String landMark) { 
    this.landMark = landMark; 

public String toString() { 
    return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this); 

public Map<String, Object> getAdditionalProperties() { 
    return this.additionalProperties; 

public void setAdditionalProperty(String name, Object value) { 
    this.additionalProperties.put(name, value); 

public int hashCode() { 
    return new HashCodeBuilder().append(city).append(pincode).append(landMark).append(additionalProperties).toHashCode(); 

public boolean equals(Object other) { 
    if (other == this) { 
     return true; 
    if ((other instanceof Address) == false) { 
     return false; 
    Address rhs = ((Address) other); 
    return new EqualsBuilder().append(city, rhs.city).append(pincode, rhs.pincode).append(landMark, rhs.landMark).append(additionalProperties, rhs.additionalProperties).isEquals(); 



public class PhoneNo { 

private Integer mobile; 
private Integer landLine; 
private Map<String, Object> additionalProperties = new HashMap<String, Object>(); 

* @return 
*  The mobile 
public Integer getMobile() { 
    return mobile; 

* @param mobile 
*  The mobile 
public void setMobile(Integer mobile) { 
    this.mobile = mobile; 

* @return 
*  The landLine 
public Integer getLandLine() { 
    return landLine; 

* @param landLine 
*  The landLine 
public void setLandLine(Integer landLine) { 
    this.landLine = landLine; 

public String toString() { 
    return ToStringBuilder.reflectionToString(this); 

public Map<String, Object> getAdditionalProperties() { 
    return this.additionalProperties; 

public void setAdditionalProperty(String name, Object value) { 
    this.additionalProperties.put(name, value); 

public int hashCode() { 
    return new HashCodeBuilder().append(mobile).append(landLine).append(additionalProperties).toHashCode(); 

public boolean equals(Object other) { 
    if (other == this) { 
     return true; 
    if ((other instanceof PhoneNo) == false) { 
     return false; 
    PhoneNo rhs = ((PhoneNo) other); 
    return new EqualsBuilder().append(mobile, rhs.mobile).append(landLine, rhs.landLine).append(additionalProperties, rhs.additionalProperties).isEquals(); 




目前尚不清楚你的問題是什麼。你發佈了一個JSON Schema,並詢問如何「獲取POJO類的屬性」。對於你的意思有十幾種解釋。具體一些,並顯示你到目前爲止所嘗試過的。 – lexicore


看看http://stackoverflow.com/questions/32226110/loading-a-map-using-properties-class/32226264#32226264 –


我想爲我的json schema.from pojo類創建運行時pojo類我想要獲取每個字段和那裏types.from我想爲mongodb創建查詢的字段。意味着在這種情況下,我有員工POJO類,我有地址類嵌入字段landMark,zipcode.so我想閱讀字段和查詢作爲Employee.Address.landMark –



您可以使用java.beans.Introspector.getBeanInfo(Class)。這裏有一個示例使用該機制:Java Beans Introspector


嗨@Kris感謝您的答案。我試着用你的給定在這種情況下,它的解決方案與我以前的邏輯相同。我無法獲取包含pojo類的屬性。我只想從evry pojo類中獲取字段和類型,其中包含一個pojo。是否還有其他方法?或者我們必須手動閱讀。 –


您可以閱讀我認爲的字段類型,一旦您知道您使用Bean Inspector進行深入挖掘,我就會猜到。 – Kris


我嘗試過使用Bean Inspector,但我無法獲取嵌入的Pojo類。你能舉一些例子嗎?謝謝 –