2013-10-08 50 views



1 where did you get ACQUIRE, obtain, come by, receive, gain, earn, win, come into, take 
2 I got your letter: RECEIVE, be sent, be in receipt of, be given. 
3 your tea is getting cold: BECOME, grow, turn, go. 
4 get the children from school: FETCH, collect, go for, call for, pick up, bring, deliver, convey, ferry, transport. 
5 the chairman gets £650,000 a year: EARN, be paid, take home, bring in, make, receive, collect, gross; informal pocket, bank, rake in, net, bag. 
6 have the police got their man?: APPREHEND, catch. 


ACQUIRE, obtain, come by, receive, gain, earn, win, come into, take 
RECEIVE, be sent, be in receipt of, be given. 
BECOME, grow, turn, go. 
FETCH, collect, go for, call for, pick up, bring, deliver, convey, ferry, transport. 
EARN, be paid, take home, bring in, make, receive, collect, gross; informal pocket, bank, rake in, net, bag. 
APPREHEND, catch. 


sed -n 's/^.*[A-Z]\{2\}//p' 





sed 's/\([A-Z]\{2,\}.*\)/\n\1/; s/[^\n]*\n//' infile 


ACQUIRE, obtain, come by, receive, gain, earn, win, come into, take 
RECEIVE, be sent, be in receipt of, be given. 
BECOME, grow, turn, go. 
FETCH, collect, go for, call for, pick up, bring, deliver, convey, ferry, transport. 
EARN, be paid, take home, bring in, make, receive, collect, gross; informal pocket, bank, rake in, net, bag. 
APPREHEND, catch. 


awk '{print substr($0,match($0,/[[:upper:]][[:upper:]]/))}' file 
ACQUIRE, obtain, come by, receive, gain, earn, win, come into, take 
RECEIVE, be sent, be in receipt of, be given. 
BECOME, grow, turn, go. 
FETCH, collect, go for, call for, pick up, bring, deliver, convey, ferry, transport. 
5 the chairman gets 
APPREHEND, catch. 

match找到兩個第一upperc ase letter,那麼substr使用它來打印該行的最後部分。