2016-09-01 303 views

無法安裝或Debian的8安裝VMware Tools失敗,錯誤:VGAuthService與通用代理失敗

升級VMware Tools當試圖通過鍵入./vmware-install.pl安裝它,然後出現錯誤:

update-initramfs: Generating /boot/initrd.img-3.16.0-4-amd64 
Checking acpi hot plug            done 
Starting VMware Tools services in the virtual machine: 
Switching to guest configuration:         done 
VMware Automatic Kmods:            done 
Guest filesystem driver:           done 
Mounting HGFS shares:            done 
VGAuthService:              failed 
Common Agent:              failed 
Unable to start services for VMware Tools 

Execution aborted. 



  1. 卸載prevoius安裝 根@ Debian的VM:〜$ vmware-uninstall-tools.pl

  2. 重新安裝的Vmware工具:

要重新安裝VMware Tools,必須安裝VMware Tools CD映像,解壓縮內容(VMware Tools),然後運行安裝程序。


Power on the virtual machine. 
Log into the virtual machine using an account with administrator or root privileges. 
Go to Virtual Machine > Install VMware Tools (or VM > Install VMware Tools). 

Note: If you are running the light version of Fusion, a version of Workstation without VMware Tools, or VMware Player, you are prompted to download VMware Tools before they can be installed. Click Download Now to begin the download. 
Open the VMware Tools CD mounted on the desktop. 
Right-click the file name that is similar to VMwareTools.x.x.x-xxxx.tar.gz, click Extract to, and select the Desktop to save the extracted contents. 

The vmware-tools-distrib folder is extracted to the Desktop. 

安裝VMware Tools:

Open a Terminal window. For more information, see Opening a command or shell prompt (1003892). 
In the Terminal, run this command to navigate to the vmware-tools-distrib folder: 

cd Desktop/vmware-tools-distrib 
Run this command to install VMware Tools: 

/vmware-install.pl -d

Note: The -d switch assumes that you want to accept the defaults. If you do not use -d, press Return to accept the defaults or supply your own answers. 
Restart the virtual machine after the VMware Tools installation completes. 



首先,非常感謝您的幫助。 我進行了VMware的重新安裝,並根據您的解決問題的答案做了vmware-tools重新安裝。再次感謝你! –




2)按照通常的方法(虛擬機上安裝VMware Tools - >重新安裝VMware Tools的)


4)命令和apt-get安裝開放式虛擬機工具 - 桌面




如果您從另一個答案中複製了此內容,則應該鏈接到它。 – ADyson


爲別人誰打這個問題一個更簡單的解決方案是創建在/ var /運行/ VMware的目錄權限755