接收一個數字,將數字因子分解並將數字放入數組中。 我目前有陣列打印,但全部爲零。任何建議將數字的因素放入數組中?將因子分解爲數組
public class aermel_Perfect
public static void main (String args [])
int gN;
int gP = getPerfect();
int [] array = new int[100];
//int printFactors;
public static int getNum() //Get amount of numbers to check
Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);
System.out.print("How many numbers would you like to test? ");
int count = input.nextInt();
int perfect = 1;
boolean vN = validateNum(count, perfect);
System.out.print (" How many numbers would you like to test? ");
count = input.nextInt();
vN = validateNum(count, perfect);
return count;
public static boolean validateNum(int count, int perfect ) //Check if number is valid
if ((count <= 0) || (perfect <= 0))
System.out.print("Non-positive numbers are not allowed.\n");
return true;
return false;
public static int getPerfect() //Gets the numbers to test
Scanner input = new Scanner (System.in);
int perfect = -1;
int count = getNum();
System.out.print("Please enter a perfect number: ");
perfect = input.nextInt();
boolean vN = validateNum(perfect, count);
while (!vN)
System.out.print("Please enter a perfect number: ");
perfect = input.nextInt();
vN=validateNum(perfect, count);
return perfect;
public static int[] testPerfect(int perfect, int[] array)
testPerfect(perfect, array);
int limit = (int) Math.ceil(Math.sqrt(perfect));
int index = 0;
for (int i = 1; i <=limit; i++)
array[index++] = i;
perfect /= i;
array[index] = perfect;
return array;
這是一些混亂。你的'testPerfect()'永遠不會被調用。而且你得到了一個'0..0'的數組,因爲在你的main中你剛剛創建了一個新的數組並且打印了它。 –
正如我經歷了你的代碼,你只是聲明數組,並打印數組本身。您不會將讀取的完美數字存儲到數組中。存儲您的完美數字,然後打印數組。你在哪裏叫testPerfect(); –