測試過程(一般實施例): 建立對象,其每一個保存的整數的列表。 將對象列表以map_async作爲參數提交,並將函數「calculate」更新爲對象的numValue屬性的平方值。 然後「計算」函數返回具有更新值的對象。
import time
import multiprocessing
import random
class NumberHolder():
def __init__(self,numValue):
self.numValue = numValue #Only one attribute
def calculate(obj):
if random.random() >= 0.5:
startTime = time.time()
timeWaster = [random.random() for x in range(5000000)] #Waste time.
endTime = time.time() #Establish end time
print("%d object got stuck in here for %f seconds"%(obj.numValue,endTime-startTime))
#Main Process
if __name__ == '__main__':
numbersToSquare = [x for x in range(0,100)] #I'm
taskList = []
for eachNumber in numbersToSquare:
taskList.append(NumberHolder(eachNumber)) #Create a list of objects whose numValue is equal to the numbers we want to square
results = [] #Where the results will be stored
pool = multiprocessing.Pool(processes=(multiprocessing.cpu_count() - 1)) #Don't use all my processing power.
r = pool.map_async(calculate, taskList, callback=results.append) #Using fxn "calculate", feed taskList, and values stored in "results" list
r.wait() # Wait on the results from the map_async
results = results[0] #All of the entries only exist in the first offset
for eachObject in results: #Loop through them and show them
print(eachObject.numValue) #If they calc'd "out of order", I'd expect append out of order
我發現這口井書面答覆,這似乎支持map_async可以有結果是「亂序」的理念:multiprocessing.Pool: When to use apply, apply_async or map?。我還查閱了這裏的文檔(http://docs.python.org/3.3/library/multiprocessing.html)。對於map_async,它對此方法說:「...如果指定了回調,那麼它應該是一個可接受單個參數的可調用對象,當結果變爲就緒時,將對其應用回調函數(除非調用失敗)。其處理結果的線程將被阻塞」
感謝@Blender的迴應。那麼,那會讓我回到一個簡單的問題。對於result.append的回調,只有在所有結果都準備好之後纔會執行附加操作?從閱讀文檔中,我認爲它被稱爲每個結果可用 - 「當結果變得準備好回調應用到它」 – Thomas