2013-07-26 62 views


公共枚舉MyGenre 替代= 0 rockAndRoll = 1個 國家= 2 結束枚舉

 Public Interface IGenre 
      Inherits IDisposable 
      Property title As String 
      Property artist As String 
      Property duration As Decimal 
      Property rating As Integer 
      Sub Listen() 
     End Interface 

     Public Class RockAndRoll 
      Implements IGenre 

      Public Property artist As String Implements IGenre.artist 

      Public Property duration As Decimal Implements IGenre.duration 

      Public Property rating As Integer Implements IGenre.rating 

      Public Property title As String Implements IGenre.title 

      Public Sub Listen() Implements IGenre.Listen 
      End Sub 
#Region "IDisposable Support" 
#End Region 

     End Class 

     Public Class Country 
      Implements IGenre 

      Public Property artist As String Implements IGenre.artist 

      Public Property duration As Decimal Implements IGenre.duration 

      Public Property rating As Integer Implements IGenre.rating 

      Public Property title As String Implements IGenre.title 

      Public Sub Listen() Implements IGenre.Listen 
      End Sub 
#Region "IDisposable Support" 
#End Region 

     End Class 

     Public Function GetAlternativeList() As IEnumerable(Of IGenre) 
      Return GetIGenreList(MyGenre.alternative) 
     End Function 

     Public Function GetrockAndRollList() As IEnumerable(Of IGenre) 
      Return GetIGenreList(MyGenre.alternative) 
     End Function 

     Public Function GetIGenreList(p_MyGenre As MyGenre) As IEnumerable(Of IGenre) 
      Using db As New OracleDataContext 
       Return (From s In db.SongList 
         Where s.Genre= MyGenre _ 
         Select CType(Activator.CreateInstance(p_MyGenre.GetGenreType, 
                   New With {.title = s.title, .artist = p1.artist, etc etc etc}), p_MyGenre.GetGenreTyp)).ToList 
      End Using 
     End Function 

     <Extension()> _ 
     Private Function GetGenreType(p_formatID As MyGenre) As Type 
      Select Case p_formatID 
       Case MyGenre.rockAndRoll 
        Return GetType(RockAndRoll) 
       Case MyGenre.country 
        Return GetType(PlayawayView) 
       Case Else 
        Return Nothing 
      End Select 
     End Function 




Class CD -> Implments IProduct 
Class DVD -> Implements IProduct 
Class BLURAY -> Implements IProduct 

i.e. dim MyList = (from p in MyProductTable select p).tolist 

returns 4 records. 
    title: Motown Unmixed 
    artist: Various 
    duration: 36:25 
    format: CD 
    upc: 024543246157 
    title: Classical Bytes - Bach 
    artist: Various 
    duration: 54:32 
    format: CD 
    upc: 709387901743 
    title: Star Wars: Episode VI - Return of the Jedi 
    artist: null 
    duration: 136.00 
    format: DVD 
    upc: 883928446172 
    title: Perfect Stranger 
    artist: null 
    duration: 95.36 
    format: BLU 
    upc: 043215190627 


dim MyProductList as new List(of IProduct) 

MyProductList.addrange((from p in MyProductTable where p.format = "CD" select new CD with {.title = p.title, etc etc etc}).tolist) 

MyProductList.addrange((from p in MyProductTable where p.format = "DVD" select new DVD with {.title = p.title, etc etc etc}).tolist) 

MyProductList.addrange((from p in MyProductTable where p.format = "BLU" select new BLURAY with {.title = p.title, etc etc etc}).tolist) 



您不需要'Interface'來強制執行屬性。如果派生類需要它們,它們只需要在基類上標記爲Public。 – OneFineDay


我同意100%。我的實際代碼與音樂無關。這是一個示範我扔在一起,以便其他人可以更好地瞭解我想要做什麼。 – user1932634




Dim query = db.Songlist.Where(Function(s) s.genre = genre).ToList 