所以我前幾天做了一項學費課程作業。這是我的程序。我希望這是自我解釋。 (這是Python的,順便說一句。)Python:「名稱未定義」錯誤
def print_intro():
print ("Welcome to the tuition program. This program will calculate your tuition cost.")
def get_id_num():
grad_status = input("Is the student an undergrad or grad (U/G)? ")
id_num = int(input("Enter the student's ID Number: "))
while (grad_status == "U") and (id_num < 0):
print("Sorry, that is invalid. Please try again.")
id_num = int(input("Enter the student's ID Number: "))
while (grad_status == "G") and (id_num >= 0):
print("Sorry, that is invalid. Please try again.")
id_num = int(input("Enter the student's ID Number: "))
def get_info():
age = int(input("Enter the student's age (numbers only): "))
residency = input("Is the student in-state or out-of-state (I/O)? ")
num_credits = int(input("How many hours of credit will the student take? "))
correct = input("Is all the above information correct (Y/N)? ")
while correct == "N":
print("Please enter the information correctly!")
def get_base_tuition():
if (grad_status == "U") and (num_credits <= 6) and (residency == "I"):
initial_tuition = 2000
if (grad_status == "U") and (7 <= num_credits <= 11) and (residency == "I"):
initial_tuition = 3000
if (grad_status == "U") and (num_credits >= 12) and (residency == "I"):
initial_tuition = 3800
if (grad_status == "U") and (num_credits <= 6) and (residency == "O"):
initial_tuition = 2000
if (grad_status == "U") and (7 <= num_credits <= 11) and (residency == "O"):
initial_tuition = 3000
if (grad_status == "U") and (num_credits >= 12) and (residency == "O"):
initial_tuition = 9000
if (grad_status == "G") and (num_credits <= 6) and (residency == "I"):
initial_tuition = 2000
if (grad_status == "G") and (7 <= num_credits <= 11) and (residency == "I"):
initial_tuition = 2500
if (grad_status == "G") and (num_credits >= 12) and (residency == "I"):
initial_tuition = 4400
if (grad_status == "G") and (num_credits <= 6) and (residency == "O"):
initial_tuition = 2000
if (grad_status == "G") and (7 <= num_credits <= 11) and (residency == "O"):
initial_tuition = 3700
if (grad_status == "G") and (num_credits >= 12) and (residency == "O"):
initial_tuition = 4400
line 28, in get_base_tuition
if (grad_status == "U") and (num_credits <= 6) and (residency == "I"):
NameError: name 'grad_status' is not defined
我應該在我的函數中添加參數嗎?我被卡住了,真的不知道該怎麼辦。我知道,如果我在get_base_tuition()中包含變量「grad_status」,「num_credits」和「residency」,或者在運行get_base_tuition()之前在Python Shell中定義變量,那麼它當然會起作用。但是,如果我像現在這樣把它放在另一個get_base_tuition()中,它將不起作用。有沒有辦法讓get_base_tuition()函數運行,而不必將變量放在get_base_tuition()中?因爲我已經將這些變量放在函數get_id_num()和get_info()中。 幫助表示讚賞,謝謝。
在你想了解的基礎學費是應該的計算方式的情況下,我是連接分配這裏: Assignment Page 2
只是想澄清,當我說的變量是「刪除」,這並不一定意味着他們會立即處理。這是一個重要的區別,對於需要明確關閉的資源(如數據庫連接)尤其如此。 – gph
真的有幫助!我在全球範圍內定義了我的變量,並且一切正常!真的很感謝幫助! –