我一直在尋找爲什麼Objective-C類中的singleton方法定義在Xcode的Swift接口上不可用的原因的文檔。Objective C Singleton方法不適用於Swift接口
* A general accessor across the sample App to remove the dependency of QPSLibraryManager from resusable components.
@interface QPSSharedAccessor : NSObject
* Required by QPSLibraryManager and some UI components.
@property (nonatomic, strong) QPSApplicationConfiguration *qpsConfiguration;
* Provides Commands to app
@property (nonatomic, strong) id<QPSAppController> appController;;
* Shared singleton.
+ (instancetype)sharedAccessor;
* Returns access to a configuration manager
- (QPSConfigurationManager *)configurationManager;
* A general accessor across the sample App to remove the dependency of QPSLibraryManager from resusable components.
open class QPSSharedAccessor : NSObject {
* Required by QPSLibraryManager and some UI components.
open var qpsConfiguration: QPSApplicationConfiguration!
* Provides Commands to app
open var appController: QPSAppController!
* Returns access to a configuration manager
open func configurationManager() -> QPSConfigurationManager!