2017-03-06 40 views


import java.util.NoSuchElementException; 

public class CircularArrayQueue implements MyQueue { 
    private Integer[] array; 
    // initial size of the array 
    private int N; 
    private int front; 
    private int rear; 

    public CircularArrayQueue() { 
     this.N = 10; 
     array = new Integer[N]; 
     front = rear = 0; 

    public CircularArrayQueue(int size) { 
     this.N = size; 
     array = new Integer[N]; 
     front = rear = 0; 

    // enqueues an element at the rear of the queue 
    // if the queue is already full it is resized, doubling its size 
    public void enqueue(int in) { 
     if (rear == N) { 
      if (front == 0) { 
       array[rear] = in; 
      } else { 
       array[rear] = in; 
       rear = 0; 
     } else { 
      array[rear] = in; 


    public void resize() { 
     Integer[] temp = new Integer[array.length * 2]; 

     for (int i = 0; i < array.length; i++) { 
      temp[i] = array[i]; 

     temp = array; 

    // dequeues an element 
    // if the queue is empty a NoSuchElement Exception is thrown 
    public int dequeue() throws NoSuchElementException { 
     if (isEmpty()) { 
      throw new NoSuchElementException("The queue is full"); 

     int headElement = array[front]; 

     if (front == N) { 
      array[front] = null; 
      front = 0; 
     } else { 
      array[front] = null; 

     return headElement; 

    public int noItems() { 
     return N - getCapacityLeft(); 

    public boolean isEmpty() { 
     return (getCapacityLeft() == N); 

    // return the number of indexes that are empty 
    public int getCapacityLeft() { 
     return (N - rear + front) % N; 

我們不調試代碼爲您服務。提示:至少提供失敗測試的來源。 – GhostCat


我只想對我的入隊和出隊實現提供反饋。如果對你來說很難,那就沒有問題了。 –


@RadoslavTodorov好吧,如果你想要的反饋,你的代碼有很多問題。 –




front = rear = 0; 


rear = (rear + 1) % N; 



public boolean isEmpty() 
    return front == rear; 


public boolean isFull() 
    return front == ((rear + 1) % N); 

另外,resize()中的行temp = array;應該爲array = temp;,並且在致電resize()之後還必須更新N的值。


import java.util.NoSuchElementException; 

public class CircularArrayQueue implements MyQueue 
private Integer[] array; 
//initial size of the array 
private int N; 
private int front; 
private int rear; 
private int count = 0;//total number of items currently in queue. 
public CircularArrayQueue() 
    this.N = 10; 
    array = new Integer[N]; 
    front = rear = 0; 

public CircularArrayQueue(int size) 
    this.N = size; 
    array = new Integer[N]; 
    front = rear = 0; 

//enqueues an element at the rear of the queue 
// if the queue is already full it is resized, doubling its size 
public void enqueue(int in) 
    if (isFull()) 
     rear = (rear + 1) % N; 
     array[rear] = in; 
     rear = (rear + 1) % N; 
     array[rear] = in; 

public void resize() 
    Integer[] temp = new Integer[array.length*2]; 
    N = array.length*2; 
    for(int i=0; i<array.length; i++) 
     temp[i] = array[i]; 

    array = temp; 

//dequeues an element 
// if the queue is empty a NoSuchElement Exception is thrown 
public int dequeue() throws NoSuchElementException 
     throw new Exception("The queue is empty"); 

    front = (front + 1) % N; 
    int headElement = array[front]; 
    return headElement; 

public int noItems() 
    return count; 

public boolean isEmpty() 
    return front == rear; 

public boolean isFull() 
    return front == ((rear + 1) % N); 

//return the number of indexes that are empty 
public int getCapacityLeft() 
    return N - 1 - count; 

非常感謝。我對編程和英語非常陌生的事實是相當糟糕的,這導致我對一個給定概念的理解很差,這通常是我犯這麼多錯誤的原因。 –