2017-03-01 39 views

我正在開發下面的代碼。爲了給你一個簡短的描述,它允許用戶點擊屏幕上的不同點,然後這些鼠標座標和位置存儲在一個數組中,也可以在屏幕上看到。當用戶單擊enter時,將使用線性插值技術從第一個點到最後一個點進行移動。由於PVector v正在存儲座標,因此我在for循環中遇到困難。任何人都可以請相應地引導我?處理 - 兩點之間的動畫

ArrayList vectors; 
PVector v = new PVector(); 
boolean animate = false; //declare a boolean variable you can use to switch from building points to animating the movement 
int FirstMouseClick; //declare an int variable to store the frameCount of the first mouseclick 
int AnimationStart; //declare an int variable to store the frameCount of the animation start 

void setup() 
    size(500, 500); 
    vectors = new ArrayList(); 

void draw() 
    if(!animate)//if the boolean variable animate is true 
    float output = frameCount - AnimationStart; // subract the animation start frameCount from the current frameCount so you know which framecount from the vectors array you should be showing 
    for(int i=0; i<vectors.size(); i++) //loop through the vectors array 
    //until you find the (next PVector's frameCount - frameCount of first mouseClick) > above subtraction result 
     v = (PVector)vectors.get(frameCount); //until you find the (next PVector's frameCount) 

    ellipse(v.x,v.y,10,10);// use the current pvector's xpos and ypos to draw the ellipse 

void mouseClicked() 
    frameCount = 0; //if not yet set, set the first frameCount value 
    vectors.add(new PVector(mouseX, mouseY,frameCount));// <--- store the framecount in the z axis 
    println("Mouse Coordinates are: " + vectors); 

void keyPressed() 
    if(keyCode == ENTER) 
    animate = true; //set the boolean variable animate to true 
    AnimationStart = 3; //set the framecount of the animation start 




  • 繪製某些圈子裏,如果用戶點擊在畫布上
  • 如果用戶按下回車鍵,開始動畫
  • 動畫是指:另一個圓(ⅴ)從圓內移動線性來圈



ArrayList<PVector> vectors = new ArrayList(); 
PVector v = new PVector(); 
boolean animate = false; // true means, the circles moves 
int nextTarget = 0; // defines the index of the next circle, the point is going to 

void setup() 
    size(500, 500); 
    v = new PVector(width/2, height/2); 

void draw() { 

    // draw background to delete old drawings 

    // show all circles 
    for (int i=0; i<vectors.size(); i++) { 
    ellipse(vectors.get(i).x, vectors.get(i).y, 10, 10); 

    // if the boolean variable animate is true 
    if (animate) { 
    // compute angle to target circle and remaining distance 
    float diffX = vectors.get(nextTarget).x - v.x; 
    float diffY = vectors.get(nextTarget).y - v.y; 
    float angle = atan2(diffX, diffY); 

    // defines the speed of the circle 
    float movement = 2; 

    // compute new position of v 
    v = new PVector(v.x + sin(angle)*movement, v.y + cos(angle)*movement); 

    // if v reached the target circle, move on to the next one 
    if (dist(v.x, v.y, vectors.get(nextTarget).x, vectors.get(nextTarget).y) < 1 && nextTarget < vectors.size()-1) { 
    ellipse(v.x, v.y, 10, 10); // use the current pvector's xpos and ypos to draw the ellipse 

void mouseClicked() 
    vectors.add(new PVector(mouseX, mouseY)); 
    ellipse(mouseX, mouseY, 10, 10); 
    println("Mouse Coordinates are: " + vectors); 

// toggle animation mode 
void keyReleased() { 
    if (key == ENTER) { 
    animate = !animate; 
    println("animation: "+ animate); 

歡呼聲非常感謝,我用的是幀計數,因爲我使用的線性插值技術 – Xerlij008