在此方法的前兩個FOR循環之後,我遇到了讀/ println問題。 這很奇怪。我怎麼解決這個問題?在循環中打印時出現問題:對於
private int spacing() {
int n = numberOfTriangles();
ArrayList<Double> list_Xs1 = new ArrayList<Double>();
ArrayList<Double> list_Ys1 = new ArrayList<Double>();
for(Polygon p:triangles){
double cX = p.xpoints[0];
double cY = p.ypoints[2];
//Remove duplicate key in X
HashSet<Double> hashSet_list_Xs1= new HashSet<Double>(list_Xs1);
ArrayList<Double> list_Xs2 = new ArrayList<Double>(hashSet_list_Xs1);
//Remove duplicate key in Y
HashSet<Double> hashSet_list_Ys1= new HashSet<Double>(list_Ys1);
ArrayList<Double> list_Ys2 = new ArrayList<Double>(hashSet_list_Ys1);
ArrayList<Double> list_Xs3 = new ArrayList<Double>();
ArrayList<Double> list_Ys3 = new ArrayList<Double>();
double distanceX = 0.0,distanceY=0.0;
//Get Distance between X coordinate
for (int j=0; j<list_Xs2.size(); j++){
distanceX = Math.abs(list_Xs2.get(j) - list_Xs2.get(j+1));
System.out.println("I am able to print everything inside this loop");
System.out.println("After the LOOP for (int j=0; j<list_Xs2.size(); j++), the method seems stop reading the remaining line e.g. cannot print after this loop ");
//Get Distance between Y coordinate
for (int i=0; i<list_Ys2.size(); i++){
distanceY = Math.abs(list_Ys2.get(i) - list_Ys2.get(i+1));
System.out.println("Nothing printed in this loop");
//Remove duplicate key in Y
HashSet<Double> hashSet_list_Ys2= new HashSet<Double>(list_Ys3);
ArrayList<Double> list_Ys4 = new ArrayList<Double>(hashSet_list_Ys2) ;
//Remove duplicate key in X
HashSet<Double> hashSet_list_Xs2 = new HashSet<Double>(list_Xs3);
ArrayList<Double> list_Xs4 = new ArrayList<Double>(hashSet_list_Xs2) ;
int distinctDistance_Xs = list_Xs4.size();
int distinctDistance_Ys = list_Ys4.size();
int nSpacing = distinctDistance_Xs + distinctDistance_Ys;
int RMspacing=0;
if (n==1)
RMspacing = 1;
else if (n != 1)
RMspacing = 1 - ((nSpacing-1)/(2*(n-1)));
return RMspacing;
您的環境不包含調試器嗎?你用什麼開發? – 2009-10-04 11:41:22