2017-08-18 101 views

所以我想比較兩個不同的工作簿在Excel中與VBA。我知道應用程序「比較電子表格」確實存在,但我需要一個通用代碼。我在論壇上尋找了很多,試圖找到一個解決方案,但沒有人符合我的需求。比較兩個不同的工作簿和突出差異excel vba




`Sub test() 

Dim varSheetA As Variant 
Dim varSheetB As Variant 
Dim strRangeToCheck As String 
Dim iRow As Long 
Dim iCol As Long 

strRangeToCheck = "A1:IV65536" 
' If you know the data will only be in a smaller range, reduce the size of the ranges above. 
Debug.Print Now 
varSheetA = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range(strRangeToCheck) 
varSheetB = Worksheets("Sheet 1").Range(strRangeToCheck) ' or whatever your other sheet is. 
Debug.Print Now 

For iRow = LBound(varSheetA, 1) To UBound(varSheetA, 1) 
    For iCol = LBound(varSheetA, 2) To UBound(varSheetA, 2) 
     If varSheetA(iRow, iCol) = varSheetB(iRow, iCol) Then 
      'MsgBox ("No difference") 

      ' Cells are identical. 
      ' Do nothing. 


      ' Cells are different. 
      ' Code goes here for whatever it is you want to do. 
     End If 
    Next iCol 
Next iRow 

結束子 ' 這是我試圖做的,以使作爲不同粗體或只是提示用戶的部分(一個或多個)所述的修改:


Dim varSheetA As Variant 
Dim varSheetB As Variant 
Dim strRangeToCheck As String 
Dim iRow As Long 
Dim iCol As Long 

strRangeToCheck = "A1:N70" 
' If you know the data will only be in a smaller range, reduce the size of the ranges above. 
Debug.Print Now 
varSheetA = Worksheets("229019_PSS360_17w15").Range(strRangeToCheck) 
varSheetB = Worksheets("229019_PSS360_Ny").Range(strRangeToCheck) ' or whatever your other sheet is. 
Debug.Print Now 

For iRow = LBound(varSheetA, 1) To UBound(varSheetA, 1) 
    For iCol = LBound(varSheetA, 2) To UBound(varSheetA, 2) 
     If varSheetA(iRow, iCol) <> varSheetB(iRow, iCol) Then 
     Selection.Font.BOLD = True 

     'MsgBox ("diff") 
      ' Cells are identical. 
      ' Do nothing. 
     'MsgBox ("same") 
      ' Cells are different. 
      ' Code goes here for whatever it is you want to do. 
     End If 
    Next iCol 
Next iRow 



我看到你幾乎從我的[早期回答](https://stackoverflow.com/a/5388488/119775)複製粘貼代碼。你是否嘗試修改它以滿足你的需求?你這樣做時遇到的具體問題是什麼?讓我們知道,然後我們可以提供幫助。 –


嘿,謝謝你的回答! 我不是故意複製和粘貼你的代碼就是這樣,我的意思是讓人們知道我在做什麼,我發現你的代碼真的很好。 您的代碼非常好,但我試圖將兩個工作簿相互比較,代碼僅適用於兩個工作表。 在你的答案你沒有提供一種方式,其中你可以比較不同的工作簿,但我並沒有得到它的工作,使其再次 感謝askes另一個文件中的用戶對你的答案 – zejton


「並沒有得到它的工作「 - >告訴我們你試過什麼,什麼不行,然後我們可以提供幫助。 –




Private Sub Open_File(length As Integer) 

    Dim strPath As String 
    Dim temp_workbook As Workbook 
    Dim temp_worksheet As Worksheet 

    Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).AllowMultiSelect = False 
    'make the file dialog visible to the user 
    intChoice = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).Show 
    'determine what choice the user made 
    If intChoice <> 0 Then 
     'get the file path selected by the user 
     strPath = Application.FileDialog(msoFileDialogOpen).SelectedItems(1) 

With CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 
      strExt = .GetExtensionName(strPath) 
     End With 

    If StrComp(strExt, "xlsx", vbTextCompare) = 0 Or StrComp(strExt, "xlsm", vbTextCompare) = 0 Or StrComp(strExt, "xls", vbTextCompare) = 0 Then 
     ' Display error 
    MsgBox ("Wrong file format. Accepted formats are .xlsx and .xlsm") 
     Exit Sub 
    End If 

End If 

If intChoice <> -1 Then 
    If MsgBox("Cancel operation?", vbYesNo, "Confirmation") = vbYes Then 
     Exit Sub 
     Open_File (length) 
    End If 
End If 
Set temp_workbook = Workbooks.Open(strPath, True, True) 
Set temp_worksheet = Sheets(1) 
End Sub 

在本小節結束時,您將要求用戶選擇一個文件,並且您將打開所述文件(確保它是事先的Excel文件)。 此時您想要做的是將temp_worksheet中的數據複製到variant中,並將其值與來自源表單(您正在比較的數據表)中的值進行比較,該數據表也將儲存在variant array

Dim strArray() As Variant 
Dim strArray2() As Variant 

strArray = SourceSheet.Range(YourRangeHere) 
strArray2 = temp_worksheet.Range(YourSecondRangeHere) 

此時,您只需循環訪問數組並相應地比較值。一旦發現差異,您可以突出顯示相應工作表中的差異。我會讓你指出最後一部分,但它非常簡單。如果您需要了解數據如何存儲在strArraystrArray2中,只需在您的代碼中定義一個斷點並運行,然後添加一個間諜(選擇strArray,右鍵單擊並「添加間諜」)以實時查看這些值。 祝你好運!


感謝您的答案! 「SourceSheet」是什麼意思,我應該寫什麼? 另外,你可以幫助通過數組循環,並突出差異。謝謝 – zejton
