-- B generates the count of the number of occurrences of an id in couple
B = FOREACH (GROUP couples BY id)
-- Output and schema of the group is:
-- {group: chararray,couples: {(id: chararray,value: chararray)}}
-- (1,{(1,a),(1,x)})
-- (2,{(2,y)})
-- COUNT(couples) counts the number of tuples in the bag
GENERATE group AS id, COUNT(couples) AS count ;
-- Now we want to do a LEFT join on potentialIDs and B since it will
-- create nulls for IDs that appear in potentialIDs, but not in B
C = FOREACH (JOIN potentialIDs BY id LEFT, B BY id)
-- The output and schema for the join is:
-- {potentialIDs::id: chararray,B::id: chararray,B::count: long}
-- (1,1,2)
-- (2,2,1)
-- (3,,)
-- Now we pull out only one ID, and convert any NULLs in count to 0s
GENERATE potentialIDs::id, (B::count is NULL?0:B::count) AS count ;
C: {potentialIDs::id: chararray,count: long}
如果你不希望disambiguate operator(的::)在C
GENERATE potentialIDs::id AS id, (B::count is NULL?0:B::count) AS count ;