Public Interface ISendable
Event SendMessage(message As String)
End Interface
Public Interface IPrintable
Sub PrintAnnouncement(announcement As String)
End Interface
Public Class BulletinBoard
Private mPrintable As IPrintable
Public Sub New(sendable As ISendable, printable As IPrintable)
AddHandler sendable.SendMessage, AddressOf GetItOut
mPrintable = printable
End Sub
Public Sub GetItOut(message As String)
'Do some stuff I can verify happened with Moq
End Sub
End Class
Imports NUnit.Framework
Imports Moq
<TestFixture()> _
Public Class SendMessageTests
<Test()> _
Public Sub canRaiseEvent()
Dim announcement As String = "What the?"
Dim sendable As New Mock(Of ISendable)()
Dim printable As New Mock(Of IPrintable)()
Dim bb As New BulletinBoard(sendable.Object, printable.Object)
'What is the syntax for raising sendable's event?
printable.Verify(Sub(d) d.PrintAnnouncement(announcement), Times.Once())
End Sub
End Class
誰能幫助我完成或更正線在我的測試類中開始「sendable.Raise ...」?也許我需要做更多的設置,但Moq網站似乎並沒有表明這是事實。
非常好,nemesv - 就是我以後的樣子。謝謝你這麼快回答。 – RobC 2012-01-31 21:55:55