2016-07-18 21 views

我無法使用自定義SKSpriteNode按鈕在帶有3D Touch的設備上使用xCode級別編輯器。SpriteKit Xcode級別編輯器自定義按鈕類別上沒有觸摸事件(3d觸摸)



enum ButtonIdentifier: String { 
    case playButton 
    case pauseButton 

/// Button responder delegate 
protocol ButtonDelegate: class { 
    func pressed(button button: ButtonNode) 

class ButtonNode: SKSpriteNode { 

    public weak var delegate: ButtonDelegate? { 
     return scene as? ButtonDelegate 

    var isHighlighted = false { 
     didSet { 
      // running skactions to colorise buttons and animate 

    var identifier: ButtonIdentifier! 

    /// Code init (when button is created in code) 
    /// e.g let playButton = ButtonNode(imageNamed: "ButtonImage", identifier: playButton) 

    init(imageNamed: String, identifier: ButtonIdentifier) { 
      self.identifier = identifier 
      let texture = SKTexture(imageNamed: imageNamed) 
      super.init(texture: texture, color: SKColor.clearColor(), size: texture.size()) 

      name = identifier.rawValue 

    /// Level editor init (when button is created in level editor) 
    required init?(coder aDecoder: NSCoder) { 
      super.init(coder: aDecoder) 

      // Ensure that the node has a supported button identifier as its name. 
      guard let nodeName = name, identifier = ButtonIdentifier(rawValue: nodeName) else { 
       fatalError("Unsupported button name found.") 

      self.identifier = identifier 

     private func setup() { 

     // zPosition 
     zPosition = 200 

     // Enable user interaction on the button node to detect tap and click events. 
      userInteractionEnabled = true 

     #if os(iOS) 
     override func touchesBegan(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) { 
      super.touchesBegan(touches, withEvent: event) 

      isHighlighted = true 

     override func touchesEnded(touches: Set<UITouch>, withEvent event: UIEvent?) { 
     super.touchesEnded(touches, withEvent: event) 

     guard let scene = scene else { return } 

     for touch in touches { 
      let location = touch.locationInNode(scene) 
      let node = scene.nodeAtPoint(location) 

      if node === self || node.inParentHierarchy(self) { 
      } else { 
       isHighlighted = false 

    override func touchesCancelled(touches: Set<UITouch>?, withEvent event: UIEvent?) { 
     super.touchesCancelled(touches, withEvent: event) 
     isHighlighted = false 

    // MARK: - Pressed Action 
    private func runPressedAction() { 

     // SKAction that runs a press animation 
     delegate?.pressed(button: self) 

如果我通過Xcode的關卡編輯器都創建按鈕在模擬器或在我的iPhone 6工作正常,但是使用測試飛行我的朋友,當用6S Plus在按鈕上沒有任何觸摸輸入,他不能按下它們。


爲什麼它不能在3D觸摸設備上使用關卡編輯器中的按鈕?我一直在試圖看看蘋果演示機器人示例,看看我是否錯過了一些設置或某些東西,但我無法弄清楚。 (演示機器人按鈕做我的朋友iPhone 6s加上工作)




爲什麼你會顯示不相關的代碼,顯示實際涉及觸摸事件的代碼 – Knight0fDragon


我將更新我的答案,1分鐘。主要原因是如果我用代碼創建它們,它們在3D觸摸設備上工作得很好。它只是當我使用Xcode級別編輯器,他們不工作。 – crashoverride777


也顯示那部分(如何將它添加到代碼中的場景) – Knight0fDragon



經過幾天的挫折,事實證明這是一個iOS 9的錯誤。我的朋友在iOS 9.2.x上,當他更新到最新的iOS 9.3.x版本後,一切正常,根本不需要更改代碼。