# Our folders
# ODIR - The .o file directory
# CDIR - The .cpp file directory
# HDIR - The .hpp file directory
ODIR = obj
CDIR = src
HDIR = inc
# Get our compiler and compiler commands out of the way
# CC - Our compiler
# CFNO - Our compiler flags for when we don't have an output file
# CF - Our compiler flags. This should be appended to any compile and should
# have the name of the output file at the end of it.
# OF - Object flags. This should be appended to any line that is generating
# a .o file.
CC = g++
CFNO = -std=c++11 -wall -Wno-write-strings -Wno-sign-compare -lpaho-mqtt3c -pthread -O2 -I$(HDIR)
CF = $(CFNO) -o
OF = -c
# Our project/output name
NAME = tls_test
# Set out Debug and Release settings, as well as any defines we will use to identify which mode we are in
# NOTE: '-D[NAME OF DEFINE]' is how you create a define through the compile commands
# Our two compile modes
# eval allows us to create variables mid-rule
$(eval DR = $(DEBUG))
$(eval DR = $(RELEASE))
# Our compiling commands
$(CC) $(CF) $(NAME) $(ODIR)/*.o
# NOTE: [email protected] is the end product being created and $< is the first of the prerequisite
$(ODIR)/%.o: $(CDIR)/%.c
echo "$(CC) $(DR) $(OF) $(CF) [email protected] $<"
你想讓Make編譯'src /'中的所有源文件(帶有適合構建的標誌),然後將所有生成的目標文件鏈接到可執行文件中,是嗎? – Beta