請注意,數據庫中的一條記錄如下所示,在擴展數據庫時只需添加和刪除記錄。 {PERSONNAME: 「山姆·普萊斯」,memberNumber: 「1」,電話號碼: 「123」}
set myDatabase to {{personName:"Sam Price", memberNumber:"1", phoneNumber:"123"}, {personName:"Dave Blogg", memberNumber:"2", phoneNumber:"1234"}, {personName:"jack tumb", memberNumber:"3", phoneNumber:"12345"}}
set x to text returned of (display dialog "Search for a member" default answer "ENTER THE NAME HERE!" buttons {"Search"} default button 1)
set foundRecord to missing value
repeat with aRecord in myDatabase
ignoring white space
ignoring case
if (personName of aRecord) contains x then
set foundRecord to aRecord
exit repeat
end if
end ignoring
end ignoring
end repeat
if foundRecord is missing value then
set dialogText to "The person \"" & x & "\" cannot be found in the database!"
set dialogText to (personName of foundRecord) & ", member number: " & (memberNumber of foundRecord) & ", phone number: " & (phoneNumber of foundRecord)
end if
display dialog dialogText buttons {"OK"} default button 1
這個視頻討論的腳本在視頻註釋粘貼。它不能正常工作,因爲所有新行字符都被Youtube刪除。我改變了代碼以按預期工作。將下面提到的代碼複製到AppleScript Editor並點擊運行,它現在應該可以正常工作。
set s to "sam price"
set d to "dave blogg"
set j to "jack tumb"
set m to "max dog"
set f to "fabio james"
set sa to "sara parker"
set o to "oliver jones"
set b to "bob samuel"
set x to text returned of (display dialog "Search for a member" default answer "ENTER THE NAME HERE!" buttons {"Search"} default button 1)
ignoring white space
ignoring case
if x contains s then
display dialog "Sam Price, member number: 1, phone number: 123" buttons {"OK"}
end if
if x contains d then
display dialog "Dave Blogg, member number: 2, phone number: 1234" buttons {"OK"}
end if
if x contains j then
display dialog "jack tumb, member number: 3, phone number: 12345" buttons {"OK"}
end if
if x contains m then
display dialog "Max Dog, member number: 4, phone number: 12345" buttons {"OK"}
end if
if x contains f then
display dialog "Fabio James, member number: 5, phone number: 123456" buttons {"OK"}
end if
if x contains sa then
display dialog "Sara Parker, member number: 6, phone number: 1234567" buttons {"OK"}
end if
if x contains o then
display dialog "Oliver Jones, member number: 7, phone number: 12345678" buttons {"OK"}
end if
if x contains b then
display dialog "Bob samuel, member number: 8, phone number: 12345678" buttons {"OK"}
end if
end ignoring
end ignoring
建立在Xcode數據庫?祝你好運,我希望你... – 2011-03-18 21:53:36
你不指定它如何不工作。它不會編譯?它沒有給出預期的結果嗎?如果您在提供AppleScript時遇到問題,那麼跳入Xcode可能不明智(儘管您可以在Xcode中構建AppleScript應用程序)。現在只需使用腳本編輯器並嘗試獲取它的一部分工作。 – Chuck 2011-03-18 23:45:21