代碼簡介:這是一個二次方程計算器。它可以幫助你找到方程的根源。代碼正在跳過程序中的命令。 (C)
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
int a, b, c, real;
float root1, root2, img, dis;
char solve;
printf("Do you want to solve an equation (y/n): ");//Ask user if they want to solve an equation
scanf("%c", &solve);
if(solve == 'n'){//Terminate program
return 0;
if(solve == 'y'){//Code for calculation
printf("\nInput the number");
printf("\nA: ");//Store number for a, b, c for the quadratic formula
scanf("%d", &a);
printf("\nB: ");
scanf("%d", &b);
printf("\nC: ");
scanf("%d", &c);
dis = (b*b) - (4*a*c);//calculation for the discriminent
//printf("%f", dis); Check the discriminant value
if(dis > 0){//Calculation for the real root
root1 = ((b*-1) + sqrt(dis))/(2*a);
root2 = ((b*-1) - sqrt(dis))/(2*a);
printf("\nRoot 1: %.2f", root1);
printf("\nRoot 2: %.2f", root2);
return 0;
if(dis = 0){//Calculation for no discriminent
root1 = (b*-1)/(2*a);
printf("\nRoot 1 and 2: %.2f", root1);
return 0;
if(dis < 0){//Calculation for complex root
dis = dis * -1;
//printf("\n%f", dis); !!!Testing to see why the code isn't functioning!!! It skipped this
root1 = (b*-1)/(2*a);
img = (sqrt(dis))/(2*a);
printf("Root 1 and 2: %.2f ± %.2f", root1, img);
return 0;
gcc version 4.6.3
Do you want to solve an equation (y/n): y
Input the number
A: 1
B: 2
C: 5 //It ends here
gcc version 4.6.3
Do you want to solve an equation (y/n): y
Input the number
A: 1
B: 2
C: 5
Root 1 and 2: -1±2i
對於初學者,使用'=='進行比較,而不是'='! – Li357
'dis = 0'應該是'dis == 0' –