您可能需要額外檢查什麼,當值缺少一些線情況,如果屬性缺失,有損壞的輸入等會發生什麼.. :)
import os
# this function splits the attribute=value into two lists
# the first list are all the attributes
# the second list are all the values
def getAttributesAndValues(line):
attributes = []
values = []
# first we split the input over the &
AtributeValues = line.split('&')
for attrVal in AtributeValues:
# we split the attribute=value over the '=' sign
# the left part goes to split[0], the value goes to split[1]
split = attrVal.split('=')
# return the attributes list and values list
return attributes,values
# test the function using the line beneath so you understand how it works
# line = "Attribute1=Value&Attribute2=Value&Attribute3=Vale&AttibuteN=Value"
# print getAttributesAndValues(line)
# this function writes a single file to an output file
def writeToCsv(inFile='', wfile="outFile.csv", delim=","):
f_in = open(inFile, 'r') # only reading the file
f_out = open(wfile, 'ab+') # file is opened for reading and appending
# read the whole file line by line
lines = f_in.readlines()
# loop throug evert line in the file and write its values
for line in lines:
# let's check if the file is empty and write the headers then
first_char = f_out.read(1)
header, values = getAttributesAndValues(line)
# we write the header only if the file is empty
if not first_char:
for attribute in header:
# we write the values
for value in values:
# Read all the files in the path (without dir pointer)
allInputFiles = os.listdir('input/')
allInputFiles = allInputFiles[1:]
# loop through all the files and write values to the csv file
for singleFile in allInputFiles:
非常感謝!正如你打算的那樣,這段代碼幫助我解決了我的問題,並給了我一點東西來學習。 – brenogil
歡迎您! – afabijan