我對此問題進行了a comment on another post更多詳細信息,並認爲如果有幫助,我會在此移動/複製我的實施。
<AddSuffixToHeatDirectory File="ReportFiles.Generated.wxs" Suffix="_r" />
public class AddSuffixToHeatDirectory : Task
public override bool Execute()
bool result = true;
Log.LogMessage("Opening file '{0}'.", File);
var document = XElement.Load(File);
var defaultNamespace = GetDefaultNamespace(document);
AddSuffixToAttribute(document, defaultNamespace, "Component", "Id");
AddSuffixToAttribute(document, defaultNamespace, "File", "Id");
AddSuffixToAttribute(document, defaultNamespace, "ComponentRef", "Id");
AddSuffixToAttribute(document, defaultNamespace, "Directory", "Id");
var files = (from x in document.Descendants(defaultNamespace.GetName("File")) select x).ToList();
Log.LogMessage("Saving file '{0}'.", File);
return result;
private void AddSuffixToAttribute(XElement xml, XNamespace defaultNamespace, string elementName, string attributeName)
var items = (from x in xml.Descendants(defaultNamespace.GetName(elementName)) select x).ToList();
foreach (var item in items)
var attribute = item.Attribute(attributeName);
attribute.Value = string.Format("{0}{1}", attribute.Value, Suffix);
private XNamespace GetDefaultNamespace(XElement root)
// I pieced together this query from hanselman's post.
// http://www.hanselman.com/blog/GetNamespacesFromAnXMLDocumentWithXPathDocumentAndLINQToXML.aspx
// Basically I'm just getting the namespace that doesn't have a localname.
var result = root.Attributes()
.Where(a => a.IsNamespaceDeclaration)
.GroupBy(a => a.Name.Namespace == XNamespace.None ? String.Empty : a.Name.LocalName, a => XNamespace.Get(a.Value))
.ToDictionary(g => g.Key, g => g.First());
return result[string.Empty];
/// <summary>
/// File to modify.
/// </summary>
public string File { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// Suffix to append.
/// </summary>
public string Suffix { get; set; }
+1選項B和Aaron的回答 – 2011-02-15 08:43:20