2015-04-08 51 views


Sub CopyList() 

    Call Shell("cmd.exe /S /K" & "dir /s /b directoryPath", vbNormalFocus) 

End Sub 




一種方法是修改Call Shell到:

Call Shell("cmd.exe /S /K" & "dir /s /b directoryPath >C:\MyData\dir.txt", vbNormalFocus) 

這將創建文件夾中的文本文件「C:\ MyData的」(由您選擇的文件夾替換)含有什麼會去到控制檯。然後您可以打開文本文件並提取其內容。


如果你想要一個VBA解決方案,你有兩個選擇:功能Dir$File Scripting Objects

功能Dir$是較舊的功能。它提供帶有通配符的文件規格,但除了提供比File Scripting Objects更少的功能。我決定提供一個File Scripting Objects解決方案,因爲我幾乎總是發現它更有用。


' The subroutine ListFiles needs a reference to "Microsoft Scripting Runtime". 
' Within VBE, click Tools then References. If "Microsoft Scripting Runtime" is 
' not near the top and ticked, scroll down and click box to its left. 
Option Explicit 
Sub TestListFiles() 

    With Worksheets("Sheet1") 
    .Range("C1").Value = "Folder" 
    .Range("D1").Value = "File" 
    .Range("E1").Value = "Attributes" 
    .Range("F1").Value = "Last modified" 
    .Range("C1:F1").Font.Bold = True 
    End With 

    ' #### Replace parameters with ones appropriate for your system 
    ' #### if you want to use this test routine. 
    Call ListFiles("Sheet1", 2, 3, "C:\DataArea\NHSIC") 

End Sub 
Sub ListFiles(ByVal WshtName As String, ByVal RowTop As Long, _ 
       ByVal ColLeft As Long, ByVal FolderRootName As String) 

    ' Writes a list of all files within the folder named FolderRootName, 
    ' and its subfolders, starting at Worksheets(WshtName).Cells(RowTop, ColLeft) 

    Dim FileObj As File 
    Dim FileSysObj As FileSystemObject 
    Dim FolderNameCrnt As String 
    Dim FolderObj As Folder 
    Dim FolderSubObj As Folder 
    Dim FoldersToCheck As New Collection 
    Dim RowCrnt As Long 
    Dim Wsht As Worksheet 

    Application.ScreenUpdating = False 
    Set Wsht = Worksheets(WshtName) 
    RowCrnt = RowTop 

    Set FileSysObj = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject") 

    ' Prime FoldersToCheck with the root folder 
    FoldersToCheck.Add FolderRootName 

    Do While FoldersToCheck.Count > 0 

    ' Extract and delete first folder name in FoldersToCheck 
    FolderNameCrnt = FoldersToCheck(1) 
    FoldersToCheck.Remove (1) 

    ' Get folder object for first name in FoldersToCheck 
    Set FolderObj = FileSysObj.GetFolder(FolderNameCrnt) 

    ' Add any subfolders of current folder to FoldersToCheck ready to be 
    ‘ checked by a later repeat of this loop. 
    For Each FolderSubObj In FolderObj.SubFolders 
     FoldersToCheck.Add FolderNameCrnt & "\" & FolderSubObj.Name 

    ' Output details of any files within current folder. I have output 
    ' more details than requested to give a hint of what is available. 
    For Each FileObj In FolderObj.Files 
     With Wsht 
     .Cells(RowCrnt, ColLeft).Value = FolderNameCrnt 
     .Cells(RowCrnt, ColLeft + 1).Value = FileObj.Name 
     .Cells(RowCrnt, ColLeft + 2).Value = AttrNumToNames(FileObj.Attributes) 
     With .Cells(RowCrnt, ColLeft + 3) 
      .Value = FileObj.DateLastModified 
      .NumberFormat = "d mmm yyyy" 
     End With 
     End With 
     RowCrnt = RowCrnt + 1 
    DoEvents ' Allows code to be interrupted if necessary 


    Application.ScreenUpdating = True 

End Sub 
Function AttrNumToNames(ByVal AttrNum As Long) As String 

    ' Convert an attribute number into the list of properties it represents 

    Dim Names As String 

    Names = "" 

    If AttrNum >= 128 Then 
    Names = "Compressed " & Names 
    AttrNum = AttrNum - 128 
    End If 
    If AttrNum >= 64 Then 
    ' Some documentation says this is only for Mac. Other documentation 
    ' implies it is also used with Windows. During my experimentation 
    ' I have not found any shortcut with it set. 
    Names = "Link " & Names 
    AttrNum = AttrNum - 64 
    End If 
    If AttrNum >= 32 Then 
    Names = "ToBeArchived " & Names 
    AttrNum = AttrNum - 32 
    End If 
    If AttrNum >= 16 Then 
    Names = "Directory " & Names 
    AttrNum = AttrNum - 16 
    End If 
    If AttrNum >= 8 Then 
    Names = "Label " & Names 
    AttrNum = AttrNum - 8 
    End If 
    If AttrNum >= 4 Then 
    Names = "System " & Names 
    AttrNum = AttrNum - 4 
    End If 
    If AttrNum >= 2 Then 
    Names = "Hidden " & Names 
    AttrNum = AttrNum - 2 
    End If 
    If AttrNum >= 1 Then 
    Names = "Read-only " & Names 
    AttrNum = AttrNum - 1 
    End If 
    If Names = "" Then 
    Names = "None" 
    End If 

    AttrNumToNames = Names 

End Function 

嗨託尼,該感謝。這就是我目前的做法,宏將轉儲保存在文本文件中,然後從文本文件中提取一次數據中的數據。但是,我更傾向於不需要將轉儲存儲在文本文件中的解決方案。 – runswmily


@runswmily。我已經添加了一個純粹的VBA解決方案,因此您可以考慮這是否與您所尋求的更接近。 –



Sub SO() 

Range("A1").Value = CreateObject("WScript.Shell").Exec("CMD /S /C dir /s /b directoryPath").StdOut.ReadAll 

End Sub 

嗨,謝謝。它像一個魅力。但它似乎是將整個目錄轉儲保存在一個單元中。有沒有辦法按行保存轉儲行?再次感謝 – runswmily


從未見過這個評論 - 不確定是否仍然需要 - 您可以將輸出分配給Variant,並使用'vbCrLf'的Split()函數作爲分隔符來創建一個包含所有結果的數組,然後您可以將該數組轉換爲所需的單元格。 –


如果希望CMD框在完成運行後消失,則需要使用Range(「A1」)Value = CreateObject(「WScript.Shell」).exec(「CMD/S/C dir/s/b目錄路徑「)。StdOut.ReadAll' –