2013-03-07 17 views


我正在嘗試一個數組,它定義了4個日期(由ID 1 - 4標識)和預期金額,然後將其與tblTrans進行比較以查看預期付款是否超過,如果是,則將該交易日期標記爲「實際」日期。




'This function is a multidimensional array that can hold multiple values 
Public Function GetDate(intID As Long) As Variant 

    Dim intTot As Long 
    Dim i As Integer 
    Dim i2 As Integer 

    'Define recordset to get expected payment data 
    Dim rsPrj As DAO.Recordset 
    Set rsPrj = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblPaySch WHERE PrjID =" & intID, dbOpenSnapshot) 

    'Define recordset to get transaction data 
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset 
    Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from tblTrans where PrjID=" & intID, dbOpenSnapshot) 

    'Store milestone payments in RA 
    Dim RA(0 To 4, 0 To 4, 0 To 4) As Variant 
    RA(0, 0, 0) = rsPrj!MSCdbID 'payment Id, 4 of which are associated with each PrjID 
    RA(0, 1, 0) = rsPrj!PayIncGST 'expected payment amount, of 4 different totals 
    RA(0, 0, 1) = rs!RefDate 'Actual date from tblTrans 
    intTot = 0 

    Do While rs.EOF 
     intTot = intTot + rs!Amt 'refers to the amount of the transaction 
     '-----Check for milestone exceeded 
     For i = 0 To 4 
      For i2 = 0 To 4 
       If IsNull(RA(i, i2, 1) And RA(i, i2, 0) <= intTot) Then 
         RA(i, i2, 1) = rs!RefDate 
       End If 
      Next i2 
     Next i 


    GetDate = RA(0, 0, 1) 

    Debug.Print RA(1, 0, 0) 
    Debug.Print RA(0, 1, 0) 
    Debug.Print RA(0, 0, 1) 

End Function 



你應該使用'的IsEmpty()的''而不是ISNULL()'函數?我想你的意思是'如果爲IsEmpty(RA(I,I 2,1))和RA(I,I2, 0)<= intTot Then' The()在錯誤的位置,我認爲這個條件永遠不會匹配。您應該嘗試通過逐步進入每一行進行調試。 – Larry 2013-03-07 07:23:29


您的意思是:儘管rs.EOF? 在閱讀本文時,我必須承認,我的第一個想法是,這是一個如此複雜的方法,我會放棄並採取更簡單的方法。多維數組很少是VBA中任何事物的答案。 – 2013-03-07 08:03:48


謝謝。我嘗試了你所建議的改變,但我仍然得到相同的結果 - 我有90條記錄,Debug.print(1,0,0)對所有90都返回1,而不是每個都有1,2,3,4 prjid。我正在重試作爲一維函數,並嘗試從那裏開始構建。 – KDJ 2013-03-07 08:07:12






PrjID PayID ExpectedAmt DatePaid(trying to find from tblTrans) 
1   1   $100 
1   2   $150 
1   3   $100 
1   4   $200 


PrjID AmtPaid PayDate 
1  $250 12/03/12 
2  $765 05/05/12 
3  $150 06/05/12 
1  $200 07/06/12 
1  $100 08/07/12 

我認爲它可以tak e多次交易以達到預期的付款金額,但付款額也可能高於預期。我使用了您在示例數據中給出的字段名稱的列名稱。


Private Function GetDate(intID As Long) As Variant 
    Dim intTot As Long 
    Dim i As Integer 
    Dim i2 As Integer 
    Dim loopCounter As Integer 

    'Define recordset to get expected payment data 
    Dim rsPrj As DAO.Recordset 
    Set rsPrj = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("SELECT * FROM tblPaySch WHERE PrjID =" & intID) 

    'Define recordset to get transaction data 
    Dim rs As DAO.Recordset 
    Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Select * from tblTrans where PrjID=" & intID, dbOpenSnapshot) 

    ' get rs.recordcount and go back to the beginning 

    ' Only need to store the records returned and the 2 fields Payment amount and payment date 
    Dim RA() As Variant 
    ReDim RA(0 To rs.RecordCount - 1, 0 To 1) 

    ' Populate the array with the transaction records 
    i = 0 
    Do Until rs.EOF 
     RA(i, 0) = rs!AmtPaid 
     RA(i, 1) = rs!PayDate 
     If rs.RecordCount <> 0 Then 
      i = i + 1 
     End If 

    intTot = 0 
    loopCounter = 0 ' This will ensure we don't check transactions more than once 

    ' First we're going to loop through the payment schedule and see at which payment from table transaction 
    ' the scheduled payment is met 
    Do Until rsPrj.EOF 
     ' First we check if the last payment was enough to make this scheduled payment to and if so mark it paid 
     ' otherwise check for the next transaction that gives us enough 
     If intTot < rsPrj!ExpectedAmt Then 
      For i = loopCounter To UBound(RA) 
       intTot = intTot + RA(i, 0) 
       If intTot >= rsPrj!ExpectedAmt Then ' if the current payment is = or greater than expected set the date 
        rsPrj!DatePaid = RA(i, 1) 
        intTot = intTot - rsPrj!ExpectedAmt ' update our remainder 
        loopCounter = loopCounter + 1 ' increase this so we don't double check a transaction 
        Exit For ' exit loop and move to the next expected payment 
       End If 
      Next i 
      rsPrj!DatePaid = RA(i, 1) 
      intTot = intTot - rsPrj!ExpectedAmt 
     End If 
     If rsPrj.RecordCount <> 0 Then 
     End If 
End Function 

非常感謝你,它基本上直接開箱即用。我真的很喜歡這個屁股。不僅如此,這個例子澄清了我一直在閱讀的幾個概念,但沒有真正獲得像動態數組,循環過程和VBA編輯記錄。我注意到你從opensnapshot中改變了第一個rs,做了一點挖掘,發現你不能修改快照rs。這會讓我絆倒很多年。非常感謝! – KDJ 2013-03-09 07:59:58