2014-12-07 90 views

好吧,我正在完成一個書店的程序。但是,運行我的代碼時,它的工作原理是 ,但不正確。首先顯示用戶從4個選項中選擇的主菜單功能,輸入數字並顯示下一個選擇的功能。當試圖從第二個功能中選擇 時,程序返回到第一個功能並重新開始。例如, mainmenu() - > invmenu()(從invmenu()) - >中選擇addBook()函數,但取而代之,它返回到mainmenu(),而不是
。我不知道爲什麼會發生這種情況。我嘗試了每個部分分開 ,他們工作得很好。程序返回到第一個功能,而不是下一個功能

This is my code so far 
//The main menu displays a window where the user can 
//choose which one module to run or exit the program 
//Luis Fierro 

#include "mainmenu.h" 

#include <iostream> 
#include <iomanip> 
#include <string> 
#include <cstdio> 
#include <cstdlib> 

using namespace std; 

void mMenu(); 
void cashier(); 
void invmenu(); 
void report(); 
void bookInfo(); 

//inventory function prototypes 
void lookUpBook(); 
void addBook(); 
void editBook(); 
void deleteBook(); 

int main() 

void mMenu() 

    int choice; 

     //display the menu and get a choice 
     cout << "\t\t\tSerendipity Booksellers\n" << endl; 
     cout << "\t\t\t\tMain Menu\n\n" << endl; 
     cout << "1. Cashier Module\n" << endl; 
     cout << "2. Inventory Database Module\n" << endl; 
     cout << "3. Report Module\n" << endl; 
     cout << "4. Exit \n\n" << endl; 

     cout << "Enter Your Choice: \n" << endl; 
     cin >> choice; 

     //make sure numbers are not out of the range 
     while (choice <= 0 || choice > 4) 
      cout << "Please enter a number in the range 1-4 " << endl; 

      cout << "Enter Your Choice: \n" << endl; 
      cin >> choice; 

     //respond to the user's selection 
     switch (choice){ 
     case 1: cashier(); 
     case 2: invmenu(); 
     case 3: report(); 
     case 4: 
      cout << "Bye, bye!!!" << endl; 

    } while (choice != 4); 


//function cashier 
void cashier() 
//initialize variables 
    int option; 
    string date; 
    int bQuantity; 
    string isbn; 
    string bTitle; 
    float bPrice; 
    double total = 0.0; 
    double tax = 0; 
    double subtotal = 0.0; 

    const double YES_OPTION = 1, 
     NO_OPTION = 2; 

    //ask the user 
    cout << "What is the date(MM/DD/YY): " << endl; 
    cin >> date; 
    cout << "\n" << endl; 
    cout << "Number of books purchased: " << endl; 
    cin >> bQuantity; 
    cout << "\n" << endl; 
    cout << "ISBN number: " << endl; 
    cin >> isbn; 
    cout << "\n" << endl; 
    Court << "Title of book: " << end; 
    cin >> bTitle; 
    cout << "\n" << endl; 
    cout << "Cost of book: " << endl; 
    cin >> bPrice; 
    cout << " \n\n" << endl; 

    //display information to the user 
    cout << "Serendipity Booksellers\n" << endl; 
    cout << "\tCashier Module\n\n" << endl; 
    cout << "Date: " << date << " \n" << endl; 
    cout << "Quantity of Book " << bQuantity << "\n" << endl; 
    cout << "ISBN " << isbn << " \n" << endl; 
    cout << "Title: " << bTitle << "\n" << endl; 
    cout << "Price: $" << bPrice << "\n\n\n" << endl; 

    subtotal = (bQuantity*bPrice); 

    tax = (bQuantity*bPrice)*0.06; 

    total = subtotal + tax; 

    //display final window with all the info 
    cout << "Serendipity Book Sellers\n\n " << endl; 
    cout << "Date: " << date << endl; 
    cout << "\nQty  ISBN  Title  Price  Total\n\n" << endl; 
    cout << "________________________________________________________\n\n\n" << endl; 
    cout << " " << bQuantity << " \t\t" << isbn << "\t" << bTitle << "\t\t$" << bPrice <<  "\t\t$" << subtotal << endl; 
    cout << "  \n\n\tSubtotal: " << "\t\t\t\t\t\t$" << subtotal << endl; 
    cout << "   \n\tTax: " << "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$" << tax << endl; 
    cout << "   \n\tTotal: " << "\t\t\t\t\t\t\t$" << total << endl; 

    cout << "\n\nThank You for Shopping at Serendipity!\n\n" << endl; 

    //ask user if needs another transaction 
    cout << "\t\tAnother transaction?" << endl; 
    cout << "\t\t1. Yes" << endl; 
    cout << "\t\t2. No\n" << endl; 
    cin >> option; 

    if (option == YES_OPTION) 
    else if (option == NO_OPTION) 
     cout << "\nPlease come again!!" << endl; 


//second menu 
void invmenu() 

    //initialize variable 
    int choice1; 

    do {//display the menu 
     cout << "\t\t\tSerendipity Booksellers\n" << endl; 

     cout << "\t\t\tInventory Database\n" << endl; 

     cout << "\n\t\t\t1. Look Up a Book" << endl; 

     cout << "\n\t\t\t2. Add a Book" << endl; 

     cout << "\n\t\t\t3. Edit a Book's Record" << endl; 

     cout << "\n\t\t\t4. Delete a Book" << endl; 

     cout << "\n\t\t\t5. Return to the main menu" << endl; 

     cout << "\n\t\t\tEnter Your Choice: \n " << endl; 

     cout << "Enter Your Choice: \n" << endl; 
     cin >> choice1; 

     //make sure numbers are not out of range 
     while (choice1 <= 0 || choice1 > 5) 
      cout << "Please enter a number in the range 1-5 " << endl; 

      cout << "Enter Your Choice: \n" << endl; 
      cin >> choice1; 

     //Respond to the user's selection 
     switch (choice1){ 
     case 1: lookUpBook(); 
     case 2: addBook(); 
     case 3: editBook(); 
     case 4: deleteBook(); 
     case 5: mMenu(); 

    } while (choice1 = !5); 

//last functions for the invmenu 
void lookUpBook() 

    cout << "You selected look up a book" << endl; 

void addBook() 

    cout << "You selected add a book" << endl; 

void editBook() 
    cout << "You selected edit a book" << endl; 

void deleteBook() 
    cout << "You selected delete a book" << endl; 

學習如何使用調試器並逐步完成代碼的時間。 – 2014-12-07 03:22:16


提示:看看'choice1 =!5'做什麼。 – SleuthEye 2014-12-07 03:28:07



由於SleuthEye指出的那樣,你的循環條件choice1 = !5導致invmenu結束其循環無論用戶做什麼。我建議你打算這樣做:

choice1 != 5 

謝謝!傢伙,我實際上把整個事情分解成幾部分,然後嘗試每個主要功能,然後我將它們全部加在一起,現在它正常工作。我感謝大家的建議。 – user3562025 2014-12-07 04:06:33


** + 1 **很好看,我沒有看到撇號的代碼。 – 2014-12-07 04:33:05