2016-09-22 161 views



.banner img { 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 100%; 
.banner { 
    position: relative; 
    margin: -0.6% 
.OverLay { 
    position: absolute; 
    left: 0; 
    right: 0; 
    bottom: 0; 
    top: 0; 
.OverLayContent { 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 100%; 
    display: table; 
.overLayDescription { 
    width: 70%; 
    margin: 0 auto; 
.OverLayText { 
    width: 100%; 
    height: 100%; 
    display: table-cell; 
    vertical-align: middle; 
    text-align: center; 
.OverLayText h1 { 
    margin-bottom: 5%; 
    color: #FFF; 
    font-size: 120px; 
    /*border-bottom: 2px solid #15a4fa;*/ 
.separator { 
    margin: 0 auto; 
    width: 50%; 
    background-color: #15a4fa; 
    height: 2px; 
    margin-bottom: 10.4%; 
.OverLayText a { 
    color: #FFF; 
    border: 1px solid #15a4fa; 
    padding: 10px; 
.OverLayText p { 
    color: #FFF; 
    margin-top: 2%; 
    margin-bottom: 3%; 
.OverLayContent { 
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<div class="banner"> 
    <img src="http://cometoart.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/pojo-placeholder-2.png" /> 
    <div class="OverLay"> 
    <div class="OverLayContent"> 
     <div class="OverLayText"> 
     <dir class="separator"></dir> 
     <p>STRICT is a responsive theme with a a clean and minimal look.</p> 
     <a href="#">Call to action</a> 


更簡單將使用*'pseudo' *元素[**的jsfiddle **](https://jsfiddle.net/vivekkupadhyay/eLuLo6be) – vivekkupadhyay


'.OverLayText'在移動'.separator'時正在增長/縮小。這就是爲什麼STRICT也在移動。 –


謝謝@SohaibMohammed和Kilian Stinson的幫助。您的意見幫助我瞭解我的錯誤。 –



\t .banner img { 
\t width: 100%; 
\t height: 100%; 
\t position: relative; 

\t } 
\t .banner { 
\t position: relative; 
\t margin: -0.6% 
\t } 
\t .OverLay { 
\t position: absolute; 
\t left: 0; 
\t right: 0; 
\t bottom: 0; 
\t top: 0; 
\t } 
\t .OverLayContent { 
\t width: 100%; 
\t height: 100%; 
\t display: table; 
\t } 
\t .overLayDescription { 
\t width: 70%; 
\t margin: 0 auto; 
\t } 
\t .OverLayText { 
\t width: 100%; 
\t height: 100%; 
\t display: table-cell; 
\t vertical-align: middle; 
\t text-align: center; 
\t vertically-align:middle; 
\t } 
\t .OverLayText h1 { 
\t margin-bottom: 5%; 
\t color: #FFF; 
\t font-size: 120px; 
\t /*border-bottom: 2px solid #15a4fa;*/ 
\t } 
\t .separator { 
\t /*margin: 0 auto;*/ 
\t width: 50%; 
\t background-color: #15a4fa; 
\t height: 2px; 
\t /*top: 80%;*/ 
\t position: relative; 
\t margin: auto; 
\t text-align: center; 
\t display: block; 
\t } 
\t .OverLayText a { 
\t color: #FFF; 
\t border: 1px solid #15a4fa; 
\t padding: 10px; 
\t } 
\t .OverLayText p { 
\t color: #FFF; 
\t margin-top: 2%; 
\t margin-bottom: 3%; 
\t } 
\t .OverLayContent { 
\t position: relative; 
\t }
<div class="banner"> 
    <img src="http://cometoart.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/03/pojo-placeholder-2.png" /> 
    <div class="OverLay"> 
    <div class="OverLayContent"> 
     <div class="OverLayText"> 
     <dir class="separator"></dir> 
     <p>STRICT is a responsive theme with a a clean and minimal look.</p> 
     <a href="#">Call to action</a> 


