2015-12-22 224 views


    <img src="img/routes1.jpg" width="846" height="503" alt="" usemap="#Map" /> 
    <map name="Map" id="Map"> 
     <area alt="" title="" href="img/routes2.gif" shape="rect" coords="300,240,108,88" /> 

enter image description here



請重新您的問題在[的jsfiddle(http://jsfiddle.net)與外部託管的圖片,還你是什麼意思是「點擊時上傳當前地圖上的路線?」 – APAD1


您的意思是說,您希望在'area'標記的'href'屬性中指定的圖像替換顯示的圖像? –


我將圖像保存在兩個不同的圖層中。我想點擊紐約,並將路線顯示在地圖上。 –



你對地圖的處理方法是有效的。 現在您需要使用javascript來處理單擊area元素並顯示相關圖像的事件。


// keep references to the map and the overlay (route) element 
var route = document.querySelector('#route'), 
    map = document.querySelector('#Map'); 

// when an area is clicked 
map.addEventListener('click', function(e) { 
    e.preventDefault(); // cancel the default action of redirecting the browser to the image 
    var target = e.target, // extract the actual area element that was clicked 
     href = target.href; // and get the relevant value from the href property 

    route.src = href; // assign the clicked route image to the overlay element 

}, false);
#map-system { 
    position: relative; 

the #route is our overlay element 
which gets absolutely positioned so it will fall on top of the map 
#route { 
    position: absolute; 
    left: 0; 
    top: 0; 
    /*the following line is to allow the mouse to click nodes underneath the visible route*/ 
    pointer-events: none; 

/*the following is to hide the route when no image is assigned to it*/ 
#route:not([src]) { 
    display: none; 
<div id="map-system"> 
    <img src="http://i.stack.imgur.com/ZC6H0.jpg" width="846" height="503" alt="" usemap="#Map" /> 
    <img id="route"> 
    <!-- added this line to create the overlay item --> 
    <map name="Map" id="Map"> 
    <area alt="" title="" href="http://i.stack.imgur.com/S1Yqe.gif" shape="rect" coords="300,240,108,88" /> 


非常感謝你!!!!! –


@ValentinaPani請記住,您應該使用允許部分透明的.png文件,以便路線不會在它們周圍有那些白色像素。 –