/* I define two shape structs. The main point here is that they
are not default copyable, unlike most primitive types */
struct Circle {
center_x: f64,
center_y: f64,
r: f64,
struct Square {
center_x: f64,
center_y: f64,
length: f64,
/* this enum will be a container for shapes because we don't know
which shape we might need. */
enum Shape {
// these are scoped differently, so it's okay.
/* I'm making cookies, each cookie has a shape */
struct Cookie {
shape: Shape,
/* All of the above was setup, here is where we find errors */
impl Cookie {
/* checks if two cookies have the same radius. squares -> false */
fn has_same_radius(&self, other_cookie: &Cookie) -> bool {
// fn has_same_radius(self, other_cookie: Cookie) -> bool {
/* swapping the above two lines will remedy the error,
but I don't want this function to take ownership of either */
match self.shape {
/* As soon as I declare c1, I'm taking ownership of self.shape
and therefore self as well. This is in spite of the fact
that I never plan to alter anything.
How can I simply use a reference to c1> */
Shape::Circle(c1) => match other_cookie.shape {
/* same thing here with c2 */
Shape::Circle(c2) => {
if c2.r == c1.r {
return true;
Shape::Square(_) => return false,
Shape::Square(_) => return false,
return false;
請完整閱讀編譯器提供的錯誤消息。消息說:「幫助:爲了防止移動,使用'ref c1'或'ref mut c1'來通過引用捕獲值。如果您發現錯誤消息太混亂,請[提出問題](https://github.com/rust-lang/rust)描述更好的措辭或錯誤的表述會使錯誤更加明確。 – Shepmaster
@Shepmaster我花了大約2個小時試圖弄清楚這一點。我知道它必須是簡單的,但是當我閱讀'ref c1'時,我對Rust很陌生,立即嘗試'&c1'。現在已經提到過了,當我第一次瀏覽文檔時,我確實記得在文檔中閱讀過'ref',但是我記得沒有看到與'&'不同的任何上下文,並立即將它放在腦海中。這是我真的不知道要問的正確問題的其中一種情況。現在已經解釋了,我在踢自己,因爲錯誤信息非常有幫助,我只是啞巴。 – Liam