2013-10-03 16 views

Erdős數字描述了一個人和數學家PaulErdős之間的「協作距離」,用數學論文的作者衡量。要分配一個Erdős號碼,某人必須是另一個Erdős號碼有限的人的研究論文的合着者。保羅·埃爾多斯的埃爾多斯數爲零。任何其他人的Erdős數是k + 1,其中k是任何合作者的最低Erdős數。 Wikipedia從紙本作者列表中計算鄂爾多斯數


1(means only one scenario from this input, could have more than one from other entries) 

4 3 
Smith, M.N., Martin, G., Erdos, P.: Newtonian forms of prime factors 
Erdos, P., Reisig, W.: Stuttering in petri nets 
Smith, M.N., Chen, X.: First order derivates in structured programming 
Jablonski, T., Hsueh, Z.: Selfstabilizing data structures 
Smith, M.N. 
Hsueh, Z. 
Chen, X. 


Smith, M.N. 
Hsueh, Z. 
Chen, X. 

我目前的計劃是採取了名的每個條目的並形成名稱的列表(或列表)。但我不確定這樣做的最佳方式。我應該使用什麼? numpy的?的ReadLine?

更新: 輸出應該是這樣的:

Scenario 1 
Smith, M.N. 1 
Hsueh, Z. infinity 
Chen, X. 2 

您可以使用報價和/或代碼功能,以便我們瞭解樣本輸入是如何格式化的?並通過給我們樣本輸入的期望結果來描述你想要的輸出(「檢查表」)? – abarnert


同時,你可能不想在這裏使用'readline'。對於文件中的':'循環通常比'while循環更簡單:'line = file.readline()''如果不是line:break'循環。但是,手動讀取文件並解析每條記錄(使用字符串方法或正則表達式),是的,這可能是你想要的。 – abarnert


看來你有兩個問題:a)從文本輸入中提取數據(名稱,作者),b)計算鄂爾多斯數。你的預期產出是多少? – mfitzp




f = ['Smith, M.N., Martin, G., Erdos, P.: Newtonian forms of prime factors', 
'Erdos, P., Reisig, W.: Stuttering in petri nets', 
'Smith, M.N., Chen, X.: First order derivates in structured programming', 
'Jablonski, T., Hsueh, Z.: Selfstabilizing data structures'] 

author_en = {} # Dict to hold scores/author 
coauthors = [] 
targets = ['Smith, M.N.','Hsueh, Z.','Chen, X.'] 

for line in f: 
    # Split the line on the : 
    authortext,papers = line.split(':') 

    # Split on comma, then rejoin author (every 2) 
    # See: http://stackoverflow.com/questions/9366650/string-splitting-after-every-other-comma-in-string-in-python 
    authors = authortext.split(', ') 
    authors = map(', '.join, zip(authors[::2], authors[1::2])) 

    # Authors now contains a list of authors names  

    for author in authors: 
     author_en[ author ] = None 

author_en['Erdos, P.'] = 0 # Special case 

在這一點上,我們現在我們有一個列表的列表:包含來自合着者每個列表給予出版物和字典來保持分數。我們需要遍歷每篇論文併爲作者分配一個分數。我對鄂爾多斯分數的計算並不完全清楚,但您可能想循環分數分配,直到沒有變化 - 以考慮影響早期分數的後續論文。

for ca in coauthors: 
    minima = None 
    for a in ca: 
     if author_en[a] != None and (author_en[a]<minima or minima is None): # We have a score 
      minima = author_en[a] 

    if minima != None: 
     for a in ca: 
      if author_en[a] == None: 
       author_en[a] = minima+1 # Lowest score of co-authors + 1 

for author in targets: 
    print "%s: %s" % (author, author_en[author])    

謝謝,它解決了這種情況,但不是爲了不同的輸入。我仍然在看你的代碼並試圖學習。 – rollwaveroll


由於缺乏圍繞最終部分的循環來重新計算取決於列表中的紙張的更改,因此可能會失敗。不過,@justhalf已經在下面發佈了更好的答案。 – mfitzp


爲了更好地理解這個問題,注意,基本上這只是unweighted single-source shortest path problem,可使用Breadth-first Search解決。 問題中的圖形定義如下:

  1. 每個節點代表作者。
  2. 如果有兩篇節點代表的兩位作者共同創作的論文,則兩節點之間存在邊緣。


Erdos -- Martin 
    | /
    | /
    | /
    | /
Smith -- Chen 

Jablonski -- Hsueh 

所以算法最初將分配給其他人的距離0至鄂爾多斯和無窮大。然後,當它迭代訪問鄰居時,它指定增加的距離。所以下一次迭代將給Reisig,Martin和Smith分配1的距離(或者在這種情況下Erdos數)爲1。下一次和最後一次迭代將給陳的距離爲2。 Jablonski和Hsueh的距離將保持爲無窮大。

該圖表示使用Adjacency List

e = Erdos 
r = Reisig 
m = Martin 
s = Smith 
c = Chen 
j = Jablonski 
h = Hsueh 

e: r m s 
r: e 
m: e s 
s: e c 
c: s 
j: h 
h: j 


import Queue 

def calc_erdos(adj_lst): 
    erdos_numbers = {} 
    queue = Queue.Queue() 
    queue.put(('Erdos, P.', 0)) 
    while not queue.empty(): 
     (cur_author, dist) = queue.get() 
     if cur_author not in erdos_numbers: 
      erdos_numbers[cur_author] = dist 
     for author in adj_lst[cur_author]: 
      if author not in erdos_numbers: 
       queue.put((author, dist+1)) 
    return erdos_numbers 

def main(): 
    num_scenario = int(raw_input()) 
    raw_input() # Read blank line 
    for idx_scenario in range(1, num_scenario+1): 
     [num_papers, num_queries] = [int(num) for num in raw_input().split()] 
     adj_lst = {} 
     for _ in range(num_papers): 
      paper = raw_input() 
      [authors, title] = paper.split(':') 
      authors = [author.strip() for author in authors.split(',')] 
      authors = [', '.join(first_last) for first_last in zip(authors[::2], authors[1::2])] 
      # Build the adjacency list 
      for author in authors: 
       author_neighbors = adj_lst.get(author,set()) 
       for coauthor in authors: 
        if coauthor == author: 
       adj_lst[author] = author_neighbors 

     erdos_numbers = calc_erdos(adj_lst) 

     print 'Scenario %d' % idx_scenario 
     for _ in range(num_queries): 
      author = raw_input() 
      print '%s %s' % (author, erdos_numbers.get(author,'infinity')) 

if __name__=='__main__': 



4 3 
Smith, M.N., Martin, G., Erdos, P.: Newtonian forms of prime factors 
Erdos, P., Reisig, W.: Stuttering in petri nets 
Smith, M.N., Chen, X.: First order derivates in structured programming 
Jablonski, T., Hsueh, Z.: Selfstabilizing data structures 
Smith, M.N. 
Hsueh, Z. 
Chen, X. 


Scenario 1 
Smith, M.N. 1 
Hsueh, Z. infinity 
Chen, X. 2 

的更一般的問題可以描述爲single-source shortest path problem,爲此,最簡單的解決方案是使用Djikstra's Algorithm