有沒有辦法限制WMI用WQL語句檢索的條目數? 我這樣說是因爲運行一個查詢來檢索所有的Win32_NTLogEvent實例正在取得永久!我真正需要的是最近的事件(大約一週,或2000條目)WMI太慢了
if (Configuration.OnlyErrorLogs)
// If Information logs should be suppressed, only get events where event type is not 3
WMIDataTemp1 = DataRetriever.GetWMIData("Win32_NTLogEvent", "EventType<>3");
WMIDataTemp1 = DataRetriever.GetWMIData("Win32_NTLogEvent");
foreach (ManagementObject Object in WMIDataTemp1)
this.Log.Add(new Log(Object));
public static ManagementObject[] GetWMIData(string wmiClass) { return GetWMIData(wmiClass, "", "CIMV2"); }
public static ManagementObject[] GetWMIData(string wmiClass, string whereClause) { return GetWMIData(wmiClass, whereClause, "CIMV2"); }
public static ManagementObject[] GetWMIData(string wmiClass, string whereClause, string nameSpace)
// If a where clause has been set, prepare the clause to add to the query string
if (whereClause != "")
whereClause = " WHERE " + whereClause;
// Create a search query
string query = "SELECT * FROM " + wmiClass + whereClause;
ManagementObjectSearcher wmiSearcher = new ManagementObjectSearcher("root\\" + nameSpace, query);
ManagementObjectCollection matches = wmiSearcher.Get();
// Create an array to hold the matches
ManagementObject[] matchArray = new ManagementObject[matches.Count];
// If matches found, copy to output
if(matches.Count > 0)
// Copy the search matches into this array
matches.CopyTo(matchArray, 0);
// Return array
return matchArray;
catch (Exception e)
ErrorDialogue errorReporter = new ErrorDialogue(e);
return null;
public class Log
public string Category = "N/A";
public string DateTime = "N/A";
public UInt16 ID = 0;
public string Level = "N/A";
public string Message = "N/A";
public string Source = "N/A";
public Log() { }
public Log(ManagementObject wmiLogEvent)
public void GetInfo(ManagementObject wmiLogEvent)
this.Category = DataRetriever.GetValue(wmiLogEvent, "CategoryString");
this.DateTime = DataRetriever.GetValue(wmiLogEvent, "TimeGenerated");
this.ID = DataRetriever.GetValueUInt16(wmiLogEvent, "EventIdentifier");
this.Level = DataRetriever.ConvertEventType(DataRetriever.GetValueUInt16(wmiLogEvent, "CategoryString"));
this.Message = DataRetriever.GetValue(wmiLogEvent, "Message");
this.Source = DataRetriever.GetValue(wmiLogEvent, "SourceName");
catch (Exception e)
ErrorDialogue errorReporter = new ErrorDialogue(e);
對於使用上面的代碼的人,請注意,有些情況下,它使用matches.Count兩個地方。這會導致枚舉每次都重新開始並迭代,以獲取計數,然後重置回原始位置。 (您可以通過將Rewindable選項設置爲False來證明這一點。)將代碼「if(matches.Count> 0)」更改爲「if(matchArray.Length> 0)」的速度是其兩倍。 – 2017-01-17 14:37:48