目前我正在研究二進制分區樹(BPT)算法。基本上我需要將圖像分成許多區域,並基於某些參數。 2個地區將合併並形成1個新地區,由這2個地區組成。
for (int h = 0; h <compCount; h++) // compCount - Amount of regions found through cvWaterShed
cvZero(WSRegion); // clears out an image, used for painting
Region.push_back(EmptyNode); // create an empty vector slot
CvScalar RegionColor = colorTab[h]; // the color of the region in watershed
for (int i = 0; i <WSOut->height; i++)
for (int j = 0; j <WSOut->width; j++)
CvScalar s = cvGet2D(WSOut, i, j); // get pixel color in watershed image
if (s.val[0] == RegionColor.val[0] && s.val[1] == RegionColor.val[1] && s.val[2] == RegionColor.val[2])
cvSet2D(WSRegion, i, j, cvScalarAll(255)); // paint the pixel to white if it has the same color with the region[h]
MemStorage = cvCreateMemStorage(); // create memory storage
cvFindContours(WSRegion, MemStorage, &contours, sizeof(CvContour), CV_RETR_LIST);
Region[h].RegionContour = cvCloneSeq(contours); // clone and store in vector Region[h]
Region[h].RegionContour->h_next = NULL;
我將創建內存存儲語句移至for循環之外。 它可以工作,但是當我釋放內存時,最後一個矢量塊的RegionContour也被釋放了。任何建議,以避免這一點? – 2011-12-26 05:07:00
針對您的新問題編輯回覆。希望能幫助到你。 – Adrian 2012-01-03 07:40:33