private void CalculateLoan()
// Make sure we use types that hold decimal places
DateTime payDate = DateTime.ParseExact(_startDate.Value, "yyyyMMdd", null);
double interestRate = 0;
double monthlyInterest = 0;
double loanAmount;
short amortizationTerm = 0;
double currentBalance;
double cummulativeInterest = 0;
double monthlyPrincipal = 0;
double cummulativePrincipal = 0;
loanAmount = double.Parse(_principal.Value);
currentBalance = loanAmount;
interestRate = double.Parse(_interestRate.Value) * 0.01;
amortizationTerm = short.Parse(_period.Value);
// Calculate the monthly payment and round it to 2 decimal places
var monthlyPayment = ((interestRate/12)/(1 - (Math.Pow((1 + (interestRate/12)), -(amortizationTerm))))) * loanAmount;
monthlyPayment = Math.Round(monthlyPayment, 2);
// Storage List
List<AmortPayment> amortPaymentList = new List<AmortPayment>();
// Loop for amortization term (number of monthly payments)
for (int j = 0; j < amortizationTerm; j++)
// Calculate monthly cycle
monthlyInterest = currentBalance * interestRate; **<-----problem here**
monthlyPrincipal = monthlyPayment - monthlyInterest;
currentBalance = currentBalance - monthlyPrincipal;
if (j == amortizationTerm - 1 && currentBalance != monthlyPayment)
// Adjust the last payment to make sure the final balance is 0
monthlyPayment += currentBalance;
currentBalance = 0;
// Reset Date
payDate = payDate.AddMonths(1);
// Add to cummulative totals
cummulativeInterest += monthlyInterest;
cummulativePrincipal += monthlyPrincipal;
(new AmortPayment
RowNumber = j + 1,
Date = payDate,
ScheduledPayment = Math.Round(monthlyPayment, 2),
Interest = Math.Round(monthlyInterest, 2),
TotalRepayment = Math.Round(monthlyPayment + monthlyInterest, 2),
Balance = Math.Round(currentBalance, 2),
TotalInterest = Math.Round(cummulativeInterest, 2),
TotalBalance = Math.Round(currentBalance + cummulativeInterest, 2)
// Add values to SAP matrix
_rowNo.Value = (j + 1).ToString();
_date.ValueEx = payDate.ToString("yyyyMMdd");
_payment.Value = monthlyPayment.ToString();
_interest.Value = monthlyInterest.ToString();
_totalRepayment.Value = (monthlyPayment + monthlyInterest).ToString();
_balancePrincipal.Value = currentBalance.ToString();
_balanceInterest.Value = cummulativeInterest.ToString();
_total.Value = (currentBalance + cummulativeInterest).ToString();
是否有人可以告訴我在哪裏,我的發言monthlyInterest = currentBalance * interestRate;
回事? 任何幫助表示讚賞。
啊,非常感謝維亞切斯拉夫·Smityukh。沒有注意到這一點。 –
你的答案是正確的,但我們如何計算季度。 – user3839710