紙牌遊戲實際上由4名玩家組成。所以爲了能夠使用minimax等,我把遊戲簡化爲「我」與「其他」。在每次「移動」之後,您可以客觀地從遊戲本身讀取當前狀態的評估。當所有4名玩家都放置了這張牌時,最高的牌會贏得他們 - 並且這些牌的數值會被計入。因爲你不知道其他3名玩家之間的卡牌分配是如何發生的,我認爲你必須模擬所有可能的分佈(「世界」),而這些分佈不是你的。你有12張牌,其他3名牌手總共有36張牌。
private Card computerPickCard(GameState state, ArrayList<Card> cards) {
int bestScore = Integer.MIN_VALUE;
Card bestMove = null;
int nCards = cards.size();
for (int i = 0; i < nCards; i++) {
if (state.moveIsLegal(cards.get(i))) { // if you are allowed to place this card
int score;
GameState futureState = state.testMove(cards.get(i)); // a move is the placing of a card (which returns a new game state)
score = negamaxSearch(-state.getPlayersTurn(), futureState, 1, Integer.MIN_VALUE, Integer.MAX_VALUE);
if (score > bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
bestMove = cards.get(i);
// now bestMove is the card to place
private int negamaxSearch(int player, GameState state, int depthLeft, int alpha, int beta) {
ArrayList<Card> cards;
if (player >= 1 && player <= 3) {
cards = state.getCards(player);
else {
if (player == -1) {
cards = state.getCards(0);
else if (player == -2) {
cards = state.getCards(0);
else {
cards = state.getCards(0);
if (depthLeft <= 0 || state.isEnd()) { // end of recursion as the game is finished or max depth is reached
if (player >= 1 && player <= 3) {
return state.getCurrentPoints(player); // player's points as a positive value (for self)
else {
return -state.getCurrentPoints(-player); // player's points as a negative value (for others)
else {
int score;
int nCards = cards.size();
if (player > 0) { // make one move (it's player's turn)
for (int i = 0; i < nCards; i++) {
GameState futureState = state.testMove(cards.get(i));
if (futureState != null) { // wenn Zug gültig ist
score = negamaxSuche(-player, futureState, depthLeft-1, -beta, -alpha);
if (score >= beta) {
return score;
if (score > alpha) {
alpha = score; // alpha acts like max
return alpha;
else { // make three moves (it's the others' turn)
for (int i = 0; i < nCards; i++) {
GameState futureState = state.testMove(cards.get(i));
if (futureState != null) { // if move is valid
for (int k = 0; k < nCards; k++) {
if (k != i) {
GameState futureStateLevel2 = futureState.testMove(cards.get(k));
if (futureStateLevel2 != null) { // if move is valid
for (int m = 0; m < nCards; m++) {
if (m != i && m != k) {
GameState futureStateLevel3 = futureStateLevel2.testMove(cards.get(m));
if (futureStateLevel3 != null) { // if move is valid
score = negamaxSuche(-player, futureStateLevel3, depthLeft-1, -beta, -alpha);
if (score >= beta) {
return score;
if (score > alpha) {
alpha = score; // alpha acts like max
return alpha;
- 是實施正確的呢?你能模擬這樣的遊戲嗎?關於不完美的信息,特別是?
- 如何改進算法的速度和工作量?
- 例如,我可以將可能移動的集合減少到50%的隨機集合以提高速度,同時保持良好的結果嗎?
- 我發現UCT algorithm是一個很好的解決方案(也許)。你知道這個算法嗎?你能幫我實施嗎?
嗯,關於minimaxing接近遊戲結束。那時你知道你需要x個技巧才能獲勝。任何你不能(不應該)贏你的世界都可以忽視。因爲如果這個世界是對的,那麼你已經失去了。如果你將你的概率建立在導致獲勝的世界上(基本上使用一廂情願的想法),那麼你甚至可以更多地修剪搜索 – Cruncher