2016-01-22 85 views

This is the question大O,大歐米茄,大theta函數



現在看起來你只是要求我們爲你做功課。你試過什麼了?你有什麼想法?你有直覺瞭解發生了什麼? – templatetypedef


我不知道,所以我問任何線索。除了Big-o的定義之外,我有點失落了。 –


@KaranSingla - 我的回答是否有任何指導? –




f(n) is O(g(n)) "function f of n" is ("big O") **Order** g(n) 

if for some n (maybe not f(0) or f(1) or... but eventually for some n) 
and for some **constant** (1, 2, 50, 80 million, something) 

f(n) <= c * g(n) 

So if we say some function f is "O(log n)" than means that starting at 
some n that we pass into f(), and some number c then 

    f(n) <= c * log(n) 


function f (n) { 

    answer = 0; 
    for (i = 0; i < n; ++i) {  // loops n times 
     answer += n+3;    // 2 ops: add, add 
     answer /= (7*n);    // 2 ops: mult, div 
     answer ^= 2;     // 1 op: xor 
    }         // 2 + 2 + 1 = 5 
    return answer; 

所以,我們可以說 'C' 是5,和g(n)是N(我們清楚地循環n次)。

f (n) <= 5 * g(n) 
f (n) <= 5 * n 

f() is O(n) 

基本上這是說什麼,當n變得足夠大時,常數因子根本就不重要。如果f(n)是(5n)或(7n)或(27n),當我們可以將其與其他函數(87log(n))或(0.01n 2)進行比較時,它幾乎沒有區別。

 \ n 10  1000  100000 
f(n) \----------------------------- 
    7n | 70  7000  700000  O(n) grows linearly with prob size 
87logn | ~200  ~600  ~1000  O(log n) grows slowly [good!] 
.01n² | 10 10000 100000000  O(n²) grows fast [bad!]