

  • OS X 10.8.1
  • 的MacBook Pro的Retina
  • xdotool 2.20110530.1從MacPorts的
  • XQuartz 2.7.3



我發現這一個用於Mac OS X,其功能與xdotool相同:



cliclick ("Command Line Interface Click") is a tool for executing mouse- and keyboard-related actions from the shell/Terminal 

    cliclick [-m <mode>] [-r] command1 [command2] [...] 

    -r  Restore initial mouse location when finished 
    -m <mode> The mode can be either 「verbose」 (cliclick will print a 
      description of each action to stdout just before it is 
      performed) or 「test」 (cliclick will only print the 
      description, but not perform the action) 

To use cliclick, you pass an arbitrary number of commands as arguments. A command consists of a command identifier (a string that tells cliclick what kind of action to perform) and usually one or more arguments to the command, which are separated from the command identifier by a colon. Example: 「c:123,456」 is the command for clicking (the 「c」 is the command identifier for clicking) at the position with x coordinate 123 and y coordinate 456. See below for a list of all commands and the arguments they expect. 


    m:x,y MOVE the mouse to the point with the given coordinates. 
      Example: 「m:12,34」 will move the mouse to the point with 
      x coordinate 12 and y coordinate 34. 

    c:x,y Will CLICK at the point with the given coordinates. 
      Example: 「c:12,34」 will click at the point with x coordinate 
      12 and y coordinate 34. Instead of x and y values, you may 
      also use 「.」, which means: the current position. 

    dc:x,y Will DOUBLE-CLICK at the point with the given coordinates. 
      Example: 「dc:12,34」 will double-click at the point with x 
      coordinate 12 and y coordinate 34. Instead of x and y values, 
      you may also use 「.」, which means: the current position. 

    tc:x,y Will TRIPLE-CLICK at the point with the given coordinates. 
      Example: 「tc:12,34」 will triple-click at the point with x 
      coordinate 12 and y coordinate 34. Instead of x and y values, 
      you may also use 「.」, which means: the current position. 

    kd:keys Will trigger a KEY DOWN event for a comma-separated list of 
      modifier keys (「cmd」, 「alt」 or 「ctrl」). 
      Example: 「kd:cmd,alt」 will press the command key and the 
      option key (and will keep them down until you release them 
      with another command) 

    ku:keys Will trigger a KEY UP event for a comma-separated list of 
      modifier keys (「cmd」, 「alt」 or 「ctrl」). 
      Example: 「ku:cmd,ctrl」 will release the command key and the 
      control key (which will only have an effect if you performed 
      a 「key down」 before) 

    p[:str] Will PRINT the given string. If the string is 「.」, the 
      current MOUSE POSITION is printed. As a convenience, you can skip 
      the string completely and just write 「p」 to get the current position. 
      Example: 「p:.」 or 「p」 will print the current mouse position 
      Example: 「p:'Hello world'」 will print 「Hello world」 

    w:ms Will wait/pause for the given number of milliseconds. 
      Example: 「w:500」 will pause command execution for half a second 

Version 2.0, released 08/17/2012 
Author: Carsten Blüm, <[email protected]> 
Website: www.bluem.net/jump/cliclick/ 

哈哈「注意:如果你只有當你聽到的話認爲機場和加油站的‘殼’或‘終端’,你可能不需要cliclick,更重要的是:你大概會甚至不能使用它。「 – jasonleonhard