這是我的方法。它遵守bootstrap中設置的媒體查詢斷點,因此即使您更改了例如@ LESS中的@ screen-sm-min,你不需要在javascript端進行任何設置。
* Adds the current bootstrap media-query class to the body element and keeps it updated.
* Attaches empty spans with bootstrap responsive utitlity classes and checks their visibility.
* Updates the classes on window resize.
* examples:
* var bsc = $('body').bsClasses(); // classes available and up-to-date from now on
* $('body').bsClasses('deactivate'); // event listeners removed, span elements removed
* bsc.activate(); event listeners back on, spans attached again
* @see http://getbootstrap.com/css/#responsive-utilities
* @see http://getbootstrap.com/css/#grid-media-queries
$.fn.bsClasses = function() {
var pluginName = 'bsClasses',
args = Array.prototype.slice.call(arguments),
element = $(this),
// these are the "modes" we check for.
modes = [
{className: 'phone', element: $('<span class="visible-xs"></span>')},
{className: 'tablet', element: $('<span class="visible-sm"></span>')},
{className: 'desktop', element: $('<span class="visible-md"></span>')},
{className: 'large', element: $('<span class="visible-lg"></span>')}
plugin = null,
fn = null
function Plugin() {
this.update = function() {
$.each(modes, function(i) {
element[modes[i].element.is(':visible') ? 'addClass' : 'removeClass'](modes[i].className);
this.activate = function() {
$(window).bind('resize.' + pluginName, this.update);
$.each(modes, function(i) {
this.deactivate = function() {
$(window).unbind('resize.' + pluginName);
$.each(modes, function(i) {
// if there already is an instance for this element, try to call functions on the instance and bail out.
if (element.data(pluginName)) {
plugin = element.data(pluginName);
fn = args.shift();
if (plugin[fn] instanceof Function) {
plugin[fn].apply(plugin, args);
else {
window.console.warn('no such method', fn);
return plugin;
// otherwise, create a new instance and return it
plugin = new Plugin(element);
element.data(pluginName, plugin);
return plugin;
你檢查過[響應實用工具類](http://twitter.github.com /bootstrap/scaffolding.html#responsive)?它們允許您根據*模式*隱藏或顯示元素。 – Sherbrow
這些類正在使用,但它只是隱藏和顯示的東西。如果你想編輯一些東西呢? – cardi777