2009-12-10 60 views

當我使用Java Bloomber V3 API它通常工作。但是,有時候,特別是在重新啓動後,bbcomm.exe沒有在後臺運行。我可以通過運行blp.exe手動啓動它,但我想知道是否有通過API這樣做的呢?在Java開始bbcomm V3彭博API




聊到服務檯後,事實證明,在64位Windows,64位JVM bbcomm下運行不會自動啓動。這在32位Java下不會發生 - 在32位bbcomm下自動運行。



  • 如果在64位Windows上運行(系統屬性os.arch
  • ,如果64位JVM下運行(系統屬性java.vm.name
  • 然後試着開始會話
  • 如果失敗,假設bbcomm.exe沒有運行。嘗試運行bbcomm.exe使用Runtime.exec()



我已經試過了,並且它可以工作。 – 2010-05-28 12:49:28


bbcomm.exe由V3 API自動啓動。


實際上,它有時是,但有時並非如此。我將在最終決議中添加一個答案 – 2009-12-17 12:47:42


您應該報告問題。 API客戶端庫 已經完全符合您所要做的。如果它不能連接到bbcomm,它會嘗試啓動它。如果這在某些情況下不起作用,如果您還沒有這樣做,您應該將它報告給彭博社。 – 2009-12-17 17:32:30


我已經完成了我在我的回答中提出的建議。我不會因爲經歷BB幫助臺的痛苦去找一個知道他們在說什麼的人而煩惱。如果你爲彭博社工作隨時舉報,或者私下給我發消息 – 2010-05-28 12:50:29


我們在使用.net API的Windows 7 64位機器上遇到同樣的問題。 bbcomm.exe不會自動啓動,唯一的解決方法是啓動「Bloomberg API DEMO」應用程序...


花費了一些時間與幫助幫助後,似乎bbcomm開始或者當您使用Excel API或運行API演示。但是,從Java API調用它時不會自動啓動。可能的方法來啓動它是:

  • 添加註冊表條目自動啓動bbcomm在啓動時:在HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run添加一個名爲bbcomm與價值C:\blp\API\bbcomm.exe一個字符串值 - 但打開這仍然可見一個命令行窗口,所以不一個真正的選擇(如果你關閉該窗口就終止bbcomm過程)
  • 創建一個批處理文件START /MIN C:\blp\API\bbcomm.exe和替換與(未測試)的註冊表項手動調用bbcomm默默
  • 從Java推出bbcomm代碼已經建議。作爲參考,我在我正在使用的代碼下面發佈。
private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(BloombergUtils.class); 
private final static String BBCOMM_PROCESS = "bbcomm.exe"; 
private final static String BBCOMM_FOLDER = "C:/blp/API"; 

* @return true if the bbcomm process is running 
public static boolean isBloombergProcessRunning() { 
    return ShellUtils.isProcessRunning(BBCOMM_PROCESS); 

* Starts the bbcomm process, which is required to connect to the Bloomberg data feed 
* @return true if bbcomm was started successfully, false otherwise 
public static boolean startBloombergProcessIfNecessary() { 
    if (isBloombergProcessRunning()) { 
     logger.info(BBCOMM_PROCESS + " is started"); 
     return true; 

    Callable<Boolean> startBloombergProcess = getStartingCallable(); 
    return getResultWithTimeout(startBloombergProcess, 1, TimeUnit.SECONDS); 

private static Callable<Boolean> getStartingCallable() { 
    return new Callable<Boolean>() { 
     public Boolean call() throws Exception { 
      logger.info("Starting " + BBCOMM_PROCESS + " manually"); 
      ProcessBuilder pb = new ProcessBuilder(BBCOMM_PROCESS); 
      pb.directory(new File(BBCOMM_FOLDER)); 
      Process p = pb.start(); 
      BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); 
      String line; 
      while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) { 
       if (line.toLowerCase().contains("started")) { 
        logger.info(BBCOMM_PROCESS + " is started"); 
        return true; 
      return false; 


private static boolean getResultWithTimeout(Callable<Boolean> startBloombergProcess, int timeout, TimeUnit timeUnit) { 
    ExecutorService executor = Executors.newSingleThreadExecutor(new ThreadFactory() { 

     public Thread newThread(Runnable r) { 
      Thread t = new Thread(r, "Bloomberg - bbcomm starter thread"); 
      return t; 
    Future<Boolean> future = executor.submit(startBloombergProcess); 

    try { 
     return future.get(timeout, timeUnit); 
    } catch (InterruptedException ignore) { 
     return false; 
    } catch (ExecutionException | TimeoutException e) { 
     logger.error("Could not start bbcomm", e); 
     return false; 
    } finally { 
     try { 
      if (!executor.awaitTermination(100, TimeUnit.MILLISECONDS)) { 
       logger.warn("bbcomm starter thread still running"); 
     } catch (InterruptedException ex) { 


public class ShellUtils { 

    private final static Logger logger = LoggerFactory.getLogger(ShellUtils.class); 

    * @return a list of processes currently running 
    * @throws RuntimeException if the request sent to the OS to get the list of running processes fails 
    public static List<String> getRunningProcesses() { 
     List<String> processes = new ArrayList<>(); 

     try { 
      Process p = Runtime.getRuntime().exec(System.getenv("windir") + "\\system32\\" + "tasklist.exe"); 
      BufferedReader input = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(p.getInputStream())); 
      String line; 
      int i = 0; 
      while ((line = input.readLine()) != null) { 
       if (!line.isEmpty()) { 
        String process = line.split(" ")[0]; 
        if (process.contains("exe")) { 
     } catch (IOException e) { 
      throw new RuntimeException("Could not retrieve the list of running processes from the OS"); 

     return processes; 

    * @param processName the name of the process, for example "explorer.exe" 
    * @return true if the process is currently running 
    * @throws RuntimeException if the request sent to the OS to get the list of running processes fails 
    public static boolean isProcessRunning(String processName) { 
     List<String> processes = getRunningProcesses(); 
     return processes.contains(processName); 