2011-11-08 22 views




base operand of `->' has non-pointer type `LIST' 

request for member `element' in `conductor', which is of non-aggregate type `LIST *' 



#include <cstdlib> 
#include <iostream> 
#include <math.h> 
#include <sys/time.h> 

using namespace std; 

typedef struct LIST { 
    int element; 
    LIST *next; 

LIST split(LIST list) 
    LIST pSecondCell; 

    if (list == NULL) 
     return NULL; 
    else if (list.next == NULL) 
     return NULL; 
    else { 
     pSecondCell = list.next; 
     list.next = pSecondCell.next; 
     pSecondCell.next = split(pSecondCell->next); 
     return pSecondCell; 

LIST merge(LIST list1, LIST list2) 
    if (list1 == NULL) 
     return list2; 
    else if (list2 == NULL) 
     return list1; 
    else if (list1.element <= list2.element) { 
     list1.next = merge(list1.next, list2); 
     return list1; 
    } else { 
     list2.next = merge(list1, list2.next); 

LIST MergeSort(LIST list) 
    LIST SecondList; 

    if (list == NULL) 
     return NULL; 
    else if (list.next == NULL) 
     return list; 
    else { 
     SecondList = split(list); 
     return merge(MergeSort(list), MergeSort(SecondList)); 

int main(int argCount, char *argVal[]) 
    int i, number, max; 
    struct timeval time1; 
    struct timeval time2; 

    //check for correct number of arguments 
    if (argCount != 3) { 
     cout << "Incorrect number of arguments" << endl; 
     return 0; 
    // initialize read in n and max values 
    number = atoi(argVal[1]); 
    max = atoi(argVal[2]); 

    // create list and fill with random numbers 
    LIST *conductor; 
    LIST *root = new LIST; 
    conductor = root; 

    for (i = 0; i < number; i++) { 
     conductor.element = rand() % max; 
     conductor.next = new LIST; 
     conductor = conductor.next; 

    // time how long it takes to sort array using mergeSort 
    gettimeofday(&time1, NULL); 
    gettimeofday(&time2, NULL); 

    // print name, sorted array, and running time 
    cout << "Heather Wilson" << endl; 

    conductor = root; 

    for (i = 0; i < number - 2; i++) { 
     cout << conductor.element << ", "; 
     conductor = conductor.next; 

    double micro1 = time1.tv_sec * 1000000 + time1.tv_usec; 
    double micro2 = time2.tv_sec * 1000000 + time2.tv_usec; 

    cout << conductor.element << endl; 
    cout << "Running time: " << micro2 - micro1 << " microseconds" << endl; 

    return 0; 

當從編譯器讀取錯誤輸出時,請務必查看發生錯誤的行*。這是一個非常強烈的暗示,你應該開始關注這條線,以及它的運作方式。另外,如果你找到了可以幫助你的答案,你應該接受它。你問過幾個問題,但我還沒有看到你接受任何問題。 –





#include <iostream> 

using namespace std; 

typedef struct LIST{ 
    int element; 
    LIST *next; 

int main(){ 
    int i, number, max; 

    number = 5; 
    max = 100; 

    // create list and fill with random numbers 
    LIST *conductor; 
    LIST *root = new LIST; 
    conductor = root; 

    for(i=0; i<number; i++){ 
    conductor->element = rand() % max; 

    cout << "element " << i << " is " << conductor->element << endl; 
    conductor->next = new LIST; 
    conductor = conductor->next; 

    conductor = root; // Forgot this, didn't you! 

    for(i=0; i<number-2;i++){ 
    cout << conductor->element << ", "; 
    conductor = conductor->next; 

    return 0; 



對於base operand of - >」具有非指針類型LIST'

request for member element'in conductor', which is of non-aggregate type LIST *

爲了說明起見,我沒有閱讀代碼。它太多了。但這些是解決這些特定錯誤的常用方法。 parapura似乎已經閱讀了代碼。



LIST merge (LIST list1 , LIST list2) 


LIST* merge (LIST* list1 , LIST* list2)