你好我正在用Java做一個命令系統。舉個例子:你輸入「date」,你會看到時間和日期,但是這個問題出現了,當我試圖修復它時,它是一個永無止境的循環。這裏是我的代碼說明一下:Java Socket永無止境
case "date":
//Give date
case "random":
//The thing is when you type "random" it will wait on the next input from the user and store it in this variable.
String string2 = (String) inputdata.readObject();
//It will process the users next information if the user NOT type "BREAK".
//The problem is that the variable "string2" must be outside the while loop BUT it NEEDS in the loop. I tried with do while loop but the same problem happend.
如果我必須解決這個問題,我必須做的循環迴路中循環的迴路循環中.... 感謝您的回答。 :D如果你不明白,我不明白我的問題在開始。
沒有你在compairing試圖equalsIgnoreCase ......有時候你爲什麼用'的readObject()'來讀取用戶輸入的信息occours由於區分大小寫 – kirti 2014-09-30 15:38:10
? – 2014-09-30 15:40:44
爲什麼不readObject(),我應該使用什麼? – Tor 2014-09-30 15:44:12