#include <iostream>
#include <vector>
using namespace std;
class Employee
Employee(std::string Name, std::string Position, int Age);
std::string Name;
int Age;
std::string Position;
template <class Key, class T>
class map_template{
std::vector<Key> keys;
std::vector<T> content;
void Add(Key key, T t);
T* Find(Key key);
Employee::Employee(std::string Name, std::string Position, int Age)
this->Name = Name;
this->Position = Position;
this->Age = Age;
template<class Key, class T>
void map_template <Key, T>::Add(Key key, T t)
template<class Key, class T>
T* map_template<Key, T>::Find(Key key)
for(int i = 0; i < keys.size(); i++)
if (keys[i] == key)
return content.at(i);
int main(void)
typedef unsigned int ID; //Identification number of Employee
map_template<ID,Employee> Database; //Database of employees
Database.Add(761028073,Employee("Jan Kowalski","salesman",28)); //Add first employee: name: Jan Kowalski, position: salseman, age: 28,
Database.Add(510212881,Employee("Adam Nowak","storekeeper",54)); //Add second employee: name: Adam Nowak, position: storekeeper, age: 54
Database.Add(730505129,Employee("Anna Zaradna","secretary",32)); //Add third employee: name: Anna Zaradna, position: secretary, age: 32
//cout << Database << endl; //Print databese
//map_template<ID,Employee> NewDatabase = Database; //Make a copy of database
Employee* pE;
pE = Database.Find(510212881); //Find employee using its ID
pE->Position = "salesman"; //Modify the position of employee
pE = Database.Find(761028073); //Find employee using its ID
pE->Age = 29; //Modify the age of employee
//Database = NewDatabase; //Update original database
enter code here
//cout << Database << endl; //Print original databese
無法將「員工」轉換爲「員工*」作爲回報 return content.at(i);返回對矢量元素的引用
我有問題返回引用向量元素的函數「模板 T * map_template :: Find(Key key)」。我也不能改變主函數。如果某人能幫助我,我會很感激。我是新來的C++,所以請理解。 ^
編譯器的錯誤信息是什麼?請把你的代碼減少到必要的程度。 – hagello