我問了這個問題:Javascript/jQuery find and delete array value in the rest of array,但我覺得我解釋錯了。這是我的第二次嘗試。jQuery查找並刪除使用相同數組的數組中的字符串
foreach($all_email_dates as $email){
$email_id = explode(":", $email);
$email_id = $email_id[1];
$email = imap_fetchbody($inbox, $email_id, 1.1, FT_UID);
if($email == "") $email = imap_fetchbody($inbox, $email_id, 1, FT_UID);
if(imap_base64($email)) $email = imap_base64($email);
$email = quoted_printable_decode($email);
$email = preg_replace('/(^\w.+:\n)?(^>.*(\n|$))+/mi', '', $email);
array_push($emails, $email);
echo $email;
echo "<:>";
$.post('php/contacts-get-email.php', {email:email}, function(data) {
var email_body = data.split("<:>"); //Puts each email into an array
//I have test code here for now that is not working
)迭代,找到並刪除任何重複的字符串。上面的輸出顯示在這裏:http://jsfiddle.net/exdjumqm/。 (我把它放在一個小提琴,而不是在這裏,因爲它會得到太長,在這裏顯示)--- 地址這裏有一個JSON文件有太多發揮:http://412webdesigns.com/uploads/emails.json
UPDATE 下面是粘貼在這裏的電子郵件字符串:
Thanks so much name! We had a great time today too and can't wait to
see\r\nwhat the pictures look like! Looking forward to seeing them when you're
all\r\ndone editing! Thanks again :)\r\n
Hi name!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nThank you for the email! You don't have to wait any
further!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nWe were able to get around 70 pictures that we think
were noteworthy! To \r\ndownload ALL of your pictures, head to
www.site.com\/download \r\nand use the password \"AN5k9W\". This should
automatically start your \r\ndownload, so check your downloads folder. It's a
half of a gig, so the file \r\nis pretty large!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nTo check out
some of the pics while you're waiting on the download, head to
\r\nhttp:\/\/site.com\/#\/151108-name_name-engagement or
\r\nfacebook.com\/site. Remember to like us and share your pics \r\nwith
anyone you want!\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nLet us know what you think!\r\n\r\nWe look
forward to henameng from you!\r\n\r\nname & name\r\n\r\n\r\n\r\nOn Sun, Nov 8,
2015 at 2:52 PM name name <[email protected]> \r\nwrote:\r\n\r\n\r\nThanks so
much name! We had a great time today too and can't wait to see \r\nwhat the
pictures look like! Looking forward to seeing them when you're all \r\ndone
editing! Thanks again :)\r\n
你想刪除先前已在一封電子郵件中的文本。 '文本',你的意思是,句子? (或文字?) – thewisenerd
也可以,你可以提供一個'.json'文件,可以使用? – thewisenerd
@VineethRaj句子,段落。如果你看一下上面的小提琴,你會看到第一封電子郵件是一段句子。在第二封電子郵件的底部,您會看到同一段再次重複。我希望將第一封電子郵件從第二封(和第四封)電子郵件中刪除。 – ntgCleaner