2010-01-26 65 views


Table1 (employee) 
id   name 
1   a 
2   b 

Table2 (appointment) 
id table1id table3id table4id sdate edate  typeid 
1  1    1   1  1/1/09 NULL  100 
2  2    2   1  1/1/09 NULL  101 

Table3 (title) 
id  name 
1  worker1 
2  worker2 
3  Assistant 
4  Manager 

Table4 (Department names) 
id  name 
1  Logistics 
2  ABC 
3  XYZ 

id  name 
100  w (primary) 
101  e (secondary) 
102  r (other-primary) 
103  t (.....) 
104  y (....) 


Select id, name, title, dept 
FROM table1 a 
INNER JOIN table2 b ON a.id = b.table1id 
INNER JOIN table3 c ON b.table3id = c.id 
INNER JOIN table4 d ON d.id = b.table4id 
WHERE typeid = 
      SELECT min(type_id) /* i want primary type appointments */ 
      FROM table2 
      WHERE sdate < getdate() and (edate > getdate() or edate IS NULL) 
      AND sdate = (select max(sdate) from table2 where table1id = a.id) 
      AND typeid in (100, 102) 
AND b.sdate < getdate() and (b.edate > getdate() or b.edate IS NULL) 
AND b.sdate = (select max(sdate) from table2 where table1id = a.id) 

/* last two i have to repeat again to remove dupes */ 

有沒有一種方法,我可以使用相同的條件下減少兩倍並查詢它只指定一次或任何其他更好的方式? AND typeid in(100,102)


哎呀...你有表的別名定義,但你不外JOIN使用它們語法 – 2010-01-26 23:03:54


如果你可以說出你想要回答什麼問題,那會有所幫助。 – Sam 2010-01-26 23:04:19


如果您使用真實表和列名稱而不是像'INNER JOIN table4 d ON d.id = b.table4id'那樣理解您的查詢會容易得多。你能解釋你的查詢應該做什麼嗎? – 2010-01-26 23:04:27






Select id, name, title, dept 
FROM table1 a 
INNER JOIN table2 b ON a.id = b.table1id 
INNER JOIN table3 c ON b.table3id = c.id 
INNER JOIN table4 d ON d.id = b.table4id 
INNER JOIN (select max(sdate) from table2 group by table1id) new1 ON new1.table1id = a.id 
WHERE typeid = 
     SELECT min(type_id) /* i want primary type appointments */ 
     FROM table2 
     WHERE sdate < getdate() and (edate > getdate() or edate IS NULL) 
     AND sdate = (select max(sdate) from table2 where table1id = a.id) 
     AND typeid in (100, 102) 
AND b.sdate < getdate() and (b.edate > getdate() or b.edate IS NULL) 
AND b.sdate = new1.sdate 

您也可以嘗試查看GROUP BY的HAVING子句。我想你將能夠做這樣的事情:

Select id, name, title, dept 
FROM table1 a 
INNER JOIN table2 b ON a.id = b.table1id 
INNER JOIN table3 c ON b.table3id = c.id 
INNER JOIN table4 d ON d.id = b.table4id 
WHERE b.sdate < getdate() and (b.edate > getdate() or b.edate IS NULL) 
AND typeid in (100, 102) 
GROUP BY id, name, title, dept 
HAVING b.sdate = max(sdate) 
    AND typeid = min(type_id) 
