2012-11-18 18 views


public partial class User 
     public User() 
      this.DateCreated = DateTime.Now; //set default value 
      Roles = new HashSet<Role>(); 

     public ICollection<Role> Roles { get; set; } //many to many relationship 

     public int UserId { get; set; } 
     public string FirstName { get; set; } 
     public string Surname { get; set; } 
     public string Username { get; set; } 
     public string Password { get; set; } 
     public string City { get; set; } 

     //foreign key 
     public int CountryId { get; set; } 
     //navigation properties 
     public virtual Country Country { get; set; } 

     //foreign key 
     public int LanguageId { get; set; } 
     //navigation properties 
     public virtual Language Language { get; set; } 

     public string EmailAddress { get; set; } 
     public long FacebookId { get; set; } 
     public DateTime DateCreated { get; set; } 
    } } 

    public class UserConfiguration : EntityTypeConfiguration<User> 
     public UserConfiguration() 
      ToTable("Users", schemaName: "Main"); 

      HasKey(s => s.UserId); 

      Property(p => p.FirstName) 
       .IsRequired().HasMaxLength(50); //translates to non-nullable  

      Property(p => p.Surname) 

      Property(p => p.Username) 

      Property(p => p.Password) 

      Property(p => p.City) 
       .IsOptional().HasMaxLength(50); //not required 

      Property(p => p.LanguageId) 

      Property(p => p.EmailAddress) 

      Property(p => p.FacebookId) 

      Property(p => p.DateCreated) 
      //attribute ensures that DateCreated only gets saved to the database when you are adding a 
      //row, not when you are saving 

    context.Users.Add(new User 
        FirstName = "Test", 
        Surname = "User", 
        Username = "testuser72", 
        Password = "testuser72", 
        City = "London", 
        CountryId = context.Countries.Single(d => d.CountryName == "United Kingdom").CountryId, 
        LanguageId = context.Languages.Single(d => d.LanguageName == "English").LanguageId, 
        EmailAddress = "[email protected]", 
        Roles = new Role[] { context.Roles.Single(r => r.RoleName == "Content Editor"), context.Roles.Single(s => s.RoleName == "User") } 

爲什麼當我嘗試使用上面爲什麼會出現錯誤的代碼添加用戶「不能將NULL值插入列‘dateCreated會’,表‘Main.Users’; 列不允許有空值。 INSERT失敗。'?






因此,在初始數據庫創建和播種時,我會留下這些DateTime字段,然後在使用遷移時稍後添加它們? – user517406


不,我用普通的SQL創建數據庫的時候,然後這樣做:「add CreatedDate datetime2 default GETDATE()」。當您使用遷移創建表時,您可以修改遷移併爲您的列傳遞「defaultValueSql」參數。 – fdghdfhdfgh


一旦你通過運行Add-Migration 20170303_example產生遷移到20170303_example文件,然後


CreatedDate = c.DateTime(nullable: false) 


CreatedDate = c.DateTime(defaultValueSql: "GETDATE()") 
