2011-08-03 30 views


import Data.List 
import Data.Array 
import Data.Maybe 

data Point a = P a a deriving (Show , Ord , Eq) 
data Vector a = V a a deriving (Show , Ord , Eq) 
data Turn = S | L | R deriving (Show , Eq , Ord , Enum ) 

--start of convex hull 

compPoint :: (Num a , Ord a) => Point a -> Point a -> Ordering 
compPoint (P x1 y1) (P x2 y2) 
    | compare x1 x2 == EQ = compare y1 y2 
    | otherwise = compare x1 x2 

sortPoint :: (Num a , Ord a) => [ Point a ] -> [ Point a ] 
sortPoint xs = sortBy (\ x y -> compPoint x y) xs 

findTurn :: (Num a , Ord a , Eq a) => Point a -> Point a -> Point a -> Turn 
findTurn (P x0 y0) (P x1 y1) (P x2 y2) 
| (y1 - y0) * (x2- x0) < (y2 - y0) * (x1 - x0) = L 
| (y1 - y0) * (x2- x0) == (y2 - y0) * (x1 - x0) = S 
| otherwise = R 

hullComputation :: (Num a , Ord a) => [ Point a ] -> [ Point a ] -> [ Point a ] 
hullComputation [x] (z:ys) = hullComputation [z,x] ys 
hullComputation xs [] = xs 
hullComputation (y : x : xs) (z : ys) 
    | findTurn x y z == R = hullComputation (x:xs) (z : ys) 
    | findTurn x y z == S = hullComputation (x:xs) (z : ys) 
    | otherwise = hullComputation (z : y : x : xs) ys 

convexHull :: (Num a , Ord a) => [ Point a ] -> [ Point a ] 
convexHull [] = [] 
convexHull [ p ] = [ p ] 
convexHull [ p1 , p2 ] = [ p1 , p2 ] 
convexHull xs = final where 
    txs = sortPoint xs 
    (x : y : ys ) = txs 
     lhull = hullComputation [y,x] ys 
    (x': y' : xs') = reverse txs 
    uhull = hullComputation [ y' , x' ] xs' 
    final = (init lhull) ++ (init uhull) 

--end of convex hull 

--dot product for getting angle 
angVectors :: (Num a , Ord a , Floating a) => Vector a -> Vector a -> a 
angVectors (V ax ay) (V bx by) = theta where 
    dot = ax * bx + ay * by 
    a = sqrt $ ax^2 + ay^2 
    b = sqrt $ bx^2 + by^2 
    theta = acos $ dot/a/b 

--start of rotating caliper part http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotating_calipers 

--rotate the vector x y by angle t 
rotVector :: (Num a , Ord a , Floating a) => Vector a -> a -> Vector a 
rotVector (V x y) t = V (x * cos t - y * sin t) (x * sin t + y * cos t) 

--square of dist between two points 

distPoints :: (Num a , Ord a , Floating a) => Point a -> Point a -> a 
distPoints (P x1 y1) (P x2 y2) = (x1 - x2)^2 + (y1 - y2)^2 

--rotating caliipers 

rotCal :: (Num a , Ord a , Floating a) => [ Point a ] -> a -> Int -> Int -> Vector a -> Vector a -> a -> Int -> a 
rotCal arr ang pa pb [email protected](V ax ay) [email protected](V bx by) dia n 
    | ang > pi = dia 
    | otherwise = rotCal arr ang' pa' pb' ca' cb' dia' n where 
    P x1 y1 = arr !! pa 
    P x2 y2 = arr !! (mod (pa + 1) n) 
    P x3 y3 = arr !! pb 
    P x4 y4 = arr !! (mod (pb + 1) n) 
    t1 = angVectors ca (V (x2 - x1) (y2 - y1)) 
    t2 = angVectors cb (V (x4 - x3) (y4 - y3)) 
    ca' = rotVector ca $ min t1 t2 
    cb' = rotVector cb $ min t1 t2 
    ang' = ang + min t1 t2 
    pa' = if t1 < t2 then mod (pa + 1) n else pa 
    pb' = if t1 >= t2 then mod (pb + 1) n else pb 
    dia' = max dia $ distPoints (arr !! pa') (arr !! pb') 
    --dia' = max dia $ if t1 < t2 then distPoints (arr !! pa') (arr !! pb) else  distPoints (arr !! pb') (arr !! pa) 

solve :: (Num a , Ord a , Floating a) => [ Point a ] -> String 
solve [] = "0" 
solve [ p ] = "0" 
solve [ p1 , p2 ] = show $ distPoints p1 p2 
solve [ p1 , p2 , p3 ] = show $ max (distPoints p1 p2) $ max (distPoints p2 p3) (distPoints p3 p1) 
solve arr = show $ rotCal arr' 0 pa pb (V 1 0) (V (-1) 0) dia n where 
     arr' = convexHull arr 
     y1 = minimumBy (\(P _ y1) (P _ y2) -> compare y1 y2) arr' 
     y2 = maximumBy (\(P _ y1) (P _ y2) -> compare y1 y2) arr' 
     pa = fromJust . findIndex (\ t -> t == y1) $ arr' 
     pb = fromJust . findIndex (\ t -> t == y2) $ arr' 
     dia = distPoints (arr' !! pa) (arr' !! pb) 
     n = length arr' 

--end of rotating caliper 

--spoj code for testing 
final :: (Num a , Ord a , Floating a) => [ Point a ] -> String 
final [] = "0" 
final [ p ] = "0" 
final [ p1 , p2 ] = show $ distPoints p1 p2 
final [ p1 , p2 , p3 ] = show $ max (distPoints p1 p2) $ max (distPoints p2 p3) (distPoints p3 p1) 
final arr = solve . convexHull $ arr 

format :: (Num a , Ord a , Floating a) => [ Int ] -> [ [ Point a ]] 
format [] = [] 
format (x:xs) = t : format b where 
    (a , b) = splitAt (2 * x) xs 
    t = helpFormat a where 
     helpFormat [] = [] 
     helpFormat (x' : y' : xs') = (P (fromIntegral x') (fromIntegral y')) : helpFormat xs' 

readD :: String -> Int 
readD = read 

main = interact $ unlines . map final . format . concat . (map . map) readD . map words . tail . lines 

--end of spoj code 

爲什麼不在Stackexchange Code Golf上發佈問題? http://codegolf.stackexchange.com/ – Arlen


到目前爲止你做了什麼來調試呢? – dave4420


@Arlen我以前嘗試過,但有機會得到答案是非常低的。 –





  1. 將代碼加載到ghci中,交互式運行代碼並檢查結果是否如您期望的那樣。

    $ ghci 
    ghci> :load your-program.hs 
    ghci> compPoint (P 0 0) (P 0 0) 


  2. 使用Test.QuickCheck。


    ghci> :load your-program.hs 
    ghci> :m +Test.QuickCheck 
    ghci Test.QuickCheck> let prop_equalPointsAreEqual x y = EQ == compPoint (P x y) (P x y) 
    ghci Test.QuickCheck> quickCheck prop_equalPointsAreEqual 



  3. 如果您希望打印出中間值作爲調試手段,請使用Debug.Trace中的trace和/或traceShow




import Data.List 
import Data.Array 
import Data.Maybe 
import Data.Monoid 

data Point a = P a a deriving (Show, Ord, Eq) 
--data Vector a = V a a deriving (Show, Ord, Eq) 
--data Turn = S | L | R deriving (Show, Eq, Ord, Enum) 
-- L is LT, S is EQ, R is GT 

-- The is really the same as just compare on Point 
compPoint :: (Ord a) => Point a -> Point a -> Ordering 
compPoint (P x1 y1) (P x2 y2) = compare x1 x2 `mappend` compare y1 y2 

sortPoint :: (Ord a) => [Point a] -> [Point a] 
sortPoint = sortBy compPoint 
-- simpler sortPoint = sort 

findTurn :: (Num a, Ord a) => Point a -> Point a -> Point a -> Ordering 
findTurn (P x0 y0) (P x1 y1) (P x2 y2) = 
    compare ((y1 - y0) * (x2 - x0)) ((y2 - y0) * (x1 - x0)) 

hullComputation :: (Num a, Ord a) => [Point a] -> [Point a] -> [Point a] 
hullComputation [x] (z:ys) = hullComputation [z,x] ys 
hullComputation xs [] = xs 
hullComputation (y : x : xs) (z : ys) = 
    case findTurn x y z of 
    GT -> hullComputation (x : xs) (z : ys) 
    EQ -> hullComputation (x : xs) (z : ys) -- same as above 
    LT -> hullComputation (z : y : x : xs) ys 

我想你錯過了他的大部分代碼。 –


你說得對。當滾動條。 :) – augustss