1. WebApp: Send username and password
2. REST: Authenticate this using couch.
3. REST: Encrypt the session along with username password and create cookie, then base64 result.
4. REST: Send cookie to WebApp.
5. WebApp: Alway sends cookie back to REST layer.
6. REST layer has everything it needs to authenticate the user.
您可以很容易地加密幾百個字節,不會遇到任何標頭或Cookie大小限制。不要在加密之前或之後對它進行壓縮,出於安全原因以及之後的 之前,因爲加密後的數據壓縮不好。如果任何人擔心表現,那麼就會對它進行基準測試,但我已經使用了比Rust更慢的語言。上面的一個變種是使用memcached ie ...
1. WebApp: Send username and password
2. REST: Authenticate this using couch.
3. REST: Store Couch session in memcahed along with username password and create cookie. The cookie is the key to memcached.
4. REST: Send cookie to WebApp.
5. WebApp: Alway sends cookie back to REST layer.
6. REST: Get details from memcached.
是沙發的REST層部分還是它是一個獨立的堆棧,即Java/Tomcat或PHP/Apache等? – Harry
@哈里獨立堆棧(Rust)。 – jgillich
這使事情變得更容易。 – Harry