這是一個比Flask問題更普遍的Python問題。將方法參數傳遞給它的父類構造函數(Flask - ModelView.as_view())
def as_view(cls, name, *class_args, **class_kwargs):
"""Converts the class into an actual view function that can be used
with the routing system. Internally this generates a function on the
fly which will instantiate the :class:`View` on each request and call
the :meth:`dispatch_request` method on it.
The arguments passed to :meth:`as_view` are forwarded to the
constructor of the class.
def view(*args, **kwargs):
self = view.view_class(*class_args, **class_kwargs)
return self.dispatch_request(*args, **kwargs)
if cls.decorators:
view.__name__ = name
view.__module__ = cls.__module__
for decorator in cls.decorators:
view = decorator(view)
# we attach the view class to the view function for two reasons:
# first of all it allows us to easily figure out what class-based
# view this thing came from, secondly it's also used for instantiating
# the view class so you can actually replace it with something else
# for testing purposes and debugging.
view.view_class = cls
view.__name__ = name
view.__doc__ = cls.__doc__
view.__module__ = cls.__module__
view.methods = cls.methods
return view
感謝Daniel,儘管我不太清楚當'view'是一個函數時我們可以如何調用(例如)'view.view_class = cls'。我們不應該傳遞params,或者至少使用像view()'.view_class這樣的括號嗎? – 2013-03-07 20:58:26
函數就像Python中的所有其他對象一樣,並且它們可以附加屬性。這是在函數定義之後完成的:'view.view_class = cls'。換句話說,view函數被賦予了一個屬性'view_class',它是包含類,因此調用它將實例化該類。 – 2013-03-07 21:00:07
所以(在這種情況下),只要我們調用view.'它將執行該方法並分配任何'self.dispatch_request(* args,** kwargs)'返回,然後我們訪問'view_class'? – 2013-03-07 21:05:32