# include <iostream>
# include <boost/scoped_ptr.hpp>
# include <boost/shared_ptr.hpp>
# include <boost/function.hpp>
# include <boost/array.hpp>
# include <boost/asio.hpp>
# include <boost/thread.hpp>
# include <boost/thread/locks.hpp>
# include <boost/bind.hpp>
# include <boost/noncopyable.hpp>
# include <boost/variant.hpp>
class DataLink {};
class Metadata {};
class Image {};
typedef boost::function<void(DataLink const&, Metadata const& , Image const&)> Handler ;
typedef boost::function<void(Metadata const& , Image const&)> Handler2 ;
typedef boost::function<void(Image const&)> Handler3 ;
typedef boost::variant<DataLink, Metadata, Image> Variant;
enum callbackHandler { link_enum, meta_enum, image_enum };
class Worker {
Handler callBack ;
//Handler2 callBack2 ;
//Handler3 callBack3 ;
DataLink dlink;
Metadata meta ;
Image img ;
callbackHandler handlerEnum ;
public :
Worker (const Handler& handler)
: callBack (handler)
//Worker (const Handler2& handler)
//: callBack2 (handler)
// {}
//Worker (const Handler3& handler)
//: callBack3 (handler)
// {}
void Image () {
// update the img object
// invoke call back
handlerEnum = image_enum ;
//const std::type_info& xxx = callBack.target_type();
//std::cout << xxx.raw_name() << std::endl;
callBack (dlink, meta, img) ;
void Metadata () {
// update the meta object
// invoke call back
handlerEnum = meta_enum ;
callBack (dlink, meta, img) ;
void Dlink () {
// update the link object
// invoke call back
handlerEnum = link_enum ;
callBack (dlink, meta, img) ;
callbackHandler getHandlerType() { return handlerEnum ; }
class Foo {
Worker *ptrWorker ;
public :
: ptrWorker(0)
void callback (DataLink const& d, Metadata const& m , Image const& i) {
callbackHandler tt = ptrWorker->getHandlerType();
if (tt == image_enum) {
std::cout << "Image object " << std::endl;
if (tt == meta_enum) {
std::cout << "Meta object " << std::endl;
if (tt == link_enum) {
std::cout << "Link object " << std::endl;
bool start() {
ptrWorker = new (std::nothrow) Worker (boost::bind (&Foo::callback, this, _1, _2, _3));
if (!ptrWorker) {
return - 1 ;
void testWorker() {
ptrWorker->Image() ;
ptrWorker->Metadata() ;
ptrWorker->Dlink() ;
int main() {
Foo f;
f.start() ;
f.testWorker() ;
std::cin.get() ;
註釋掉構造允許我補充了Handler2和Handler3支持,但是有沒有一種方法來確定傳遞給Worker類的構造函數的處理程序?目前成員函數Metadata,Image和Dlink使用'callBack'對象。如果用戶處理程序在另一個處理程序中傳遞,則需要做出區分 - 例如Handler2
事實上,我需要使用枚舉來實現,實際上我自己的類型系統(在一個區別聯合 - 又名,一個變種),也是一個肯定的跡象,設計需要一些重新思考,所以在這種情況下,我打開重新設計。必須有N-1個僞處理程序(即任何時候只有一個處理程序正在使用,而其他處理程序只是在那裏無所事事)在該類中定義尖叫混淆和低粘性對象模型,但誰知道。
這是什麼,它的目的*做*? –