2012-04-25 37 views


temp <- runif(40, min = 0, max = 1) 

# [1] 0.81563482 0.17471363 0.74697979 0.88755248 0.69676260 0.58207008 
# [7] 0.87138747 0.76432908 0.64352955 0.06501659 0.70680646 0.81557281 
#[13] 0.58480274 0.19476004 0.01035137 0.46119840 0.17783440 0.71828874 
#[19] 0.30978182 0.76902202 0.01615609 0.93122152 0.37936458 0.52369562 
#[25] 0.90997054 0.30098383 0.70873206 0.71159740 0.38148526 0.78415579 
#[31] 0.64605509 0.18898361 0.76770495 0.40651004 0.42255944 0.68395505 
#[37] 0.51844368 0.25855720 0.12090991 0.50110836 

p.adjust(temp, method="fdr") 

# [1] 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9312215 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9312215 
# [8] 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.8668878 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 
#[15] 0.3231218 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.3231218 
#[22] 0.9312215 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9312215 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 
#[29] 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 
#[36] 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 0.9062609 



我想你會發現它如預期運行。嘗試'溫度< - runif(5,分鐘= 0,最大值= 0.005)''然後p.adj < - sapply(p.adjust.methods,功能(甲基)p.adjust(溫度,甲基))',得到所有調整方法。 – 2012-04-25 22:31:15



的方法是工作的罰款。你只是不明白算法顯然是在做什麼。我建議讀了一點點有關程序(Wikipedia Link)

n <- 40 
p <- runif(n, 0, 1) 
adjusted.p <- p.adjust(p, "fdr") #same as p.adjust(p, "BH") 

## Let's recreate. Going back to the paper we 
## can construct a q-value by sorting the p-values 
## and then applying the transformation: 
## q_i = p_i*n/i 
## Where p_i is the ith smallest p-value 

## Sort the p-values and keep track of the order 
id <- order(p) 
tmp <- p[id] 
(q <- tmp*n/(1:n)) 
# [1] 2.0322183 1.0993436 1.2357457 1.1113084 0.9282536 0.7877181 0.7348436 
# [8] 0.7204077 0.6587102 0.6289974 0.9205222 0.8827835 0.8600234 0.8680704 
#[15] 1.1532693 1.1055951 1.0451330 1.1314681 1.1167659 1.1453142 1.1012847 
#[22] 1.0783747 1.0672471 1.0500311 1.0389407 1.0089661 1.0117881 0.9917817 
#[29] 0.9892826 0.9668636 0.9844052 0.9792733 1.0000320 0.9967073 0.9707149 
#[36] 0.9747723 0.9968153 0.9813367 1.0058445 0.9942353 

## However there is one more portion to the adjustment 
## We don't want a p-value of .02 getting 
## a larger q-value than a p-value of .05 
## so we make sure that if a smaller q-value 
## shows up in the list we set all of 
## the q-values corresponding to smaller p-values 
## to that corresponding q-value. 

## We can do this by reversing the list 
## Keeping a running tally of the minimum value 
## and then re-reversing 
new.q <- rev(cummin(rev(q))) 

## Put it back in the original order 
# [1] 0.6289974 0.9668636 0.6289974 0.6289974 0.6289974 0.9707149 0.9707149 
# [8] 0.8600234 0.9668636 0.6289974 0.9707149 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.9813367 
#[15] 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.9707149 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.6289974 
#[22] 0.9942353 0.8600234 0.6289974 0.9668636 0.6289974 0.6289974 0.8680704 
#[29] 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.9942353 0.9707149 0.9813367 0.9668636 
#[36] 0.8600234 0.6289974 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.9747723 

## This should match the adjustment 
# [1] 0.6289974 0.9668636 0.6289974 0.6289974 0.6289974 0.9707149 0.9707149 
# [8] 0.8600234 0.9668636 0.6289974 0.9707149 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.9813367 
#[15] 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.9707149 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.6289974 
#[22] 0.9942353 0.8600234 0.6289974 0.9668636 0.6289974 0.6289974 0.8680704 
#[29] 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.9942353 0.9707149 0.9813367 0.9668636 
#[36] 0.8600234 0.6289974 0.9668636 0.9668636 0.9747723 

是啊,我做了一些調查,發現這是合理的給我遞它的參數。我對FDR不太瞭解這一點。謝謝。 – order 2012-05-07 19:25:41


@Dason感謝您的精心解釋(也是「複製」p.adjust()')的相關部分中的代碼):我試圖自己弄清楚這一點。我無法追蹤[論文]中的部分(http://www.stat.purdue.edu/~doerge/BIOINFORM.D/FALL06/Benjamini%20and%20Y%20FDR.pdf),其中'q_i '構成,其中位描述p = 0.02且aq> 0.05。欣賞一個提示 – 2017-11-03 09:13:09