我的程序有一個問題(我的編程語言是java): 我有一個Douglas-Peucker對象,它是一個Point數組,我有一個算法Douglas-Peucker算法。我想直接在這個Points數組上工作,這裏的問題就開始了。這是道格拉斯 - 普克算法:用void方法遞歸?
protected Point[] coinImage;
public Peucker(Point [] tab) {
coinImage = new Point[tab.length];
for(int i = 0; i < coinImage.length; i++) {
coinImage[i] = new Point(tab[i].x, tab[i].y);
public Point[] algoDouglasPeucker() {
return douglasPeuckerAux(0,coinImage.length - 1);
public Point[] douglasPeuckerAux(int startIndex, int endIndex) {
double dmax = 0;
int index = 0;
for(int i = startIndex + 1; i < endIndex; i++) {
double distance = this.distancePointSegment(this.coinImage[i], this.coinImage[startIndex], this.coinImage[endIndex]);
if(distance > dmax) {
index = i;
dmax = distance;
} ***
if(dmax >= this.epsilon) {
Point[] recResult1 = douglasPeuckerAux(startIndex,index);
Point[] recResult2 = douglasPeuckerAux(index,endIndex);
Point [] result = this.unionTabPoint(recResult1, recResult2);
return result;
else {
return new Point[] { coinImage[0],coinImage[endIndex] };
*** my problem is here : both methods have a specific type of return : array of Point or I want to change this because I want to work directly on my attribut (coinImage).
如何在這個空方法改變? 請幫助我! 對不起,我忘了一個方法:我也想改變這個方法的類型:
public Point[] unionTabPoint(Point [] P1,Point [] P2) {
Point[] res = new Point[P1.length + P2.length];
for(int i = 0; i < P1.length;i++) {
res[i] = new Point(P1[i].x,P1[i].y);
int k = 0;
for(int j = P1.length; j < res.length; j++) {
res[j] = new Point(P2[k].x,P2[k].y);
return res;
什麼無效的方法? –
我想更改三種方法:algoDouglasPeucker,DouglasPeuckerAux和unionTabPoint以void方法。我想在對象中工作,但在這裏並不是這樣。但是如何在void中改變這三種方法呢?因爲其中一個是遞歸的... – afk