public static void Fill<T1, T2>(ObjectResult<T1> Source, List<T2> Destination)
where T2 : new()
Destination.AddRange(Source.Select(CreateMapping<T1, T2>()));
public static Func<T1, T2> CreateMapping<T1, T2>()
where T2 : new()
var typeOfSource = typeof(T1);
var typeOfDestination = typeof(T2);
// use reflection to get a list of the properties on the source and destination types
var sourceProperties = typeOfSource.GetProperties();
var destinationProperties = typeOfDestination.GetProperties();
// join the source properties with the destination properties based on name
var properties = from sourceProperty in sourceProperties
join destinationProperty in destinationProperties
on sourceProperty.Name equals destinationProperty.Name
select new { SourceProperty = sourceProperty, DestinationProperty = destinationProperty };
return (x) =>
var y = new T2();
foreach (var property in properties)
var value = property.SourceProperty.GetValue(x, null);
property.DestinationProperty.SetValue(y, value, null);
return y;
那些「某些情況」是什麼?你是否有機會爲相同的'ObjectResult'調用'Fill'兩次? – hvd