2017-02-14 19 views

我正在構建一個API,今天我將我與HTML表單集成。然而,它只是說'不能POST /新船'。哪裏不對? 我server.js:使用Shippo的節點運輸API不起作用

var express = require('express') 
var app = express() 
var http = require('http'); 
//Shippo shipping wrapper 
var Raven = require('raven'); 
var shippo = require('shippo')('shippo_test_key'); 
const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); 
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true})); 

app.get('/', function (req, res) { 
    res.send('Hello World! ' + 'hey') 
app.post('/newship/', function (req, res) { 

    var addressFrom = { 
     "name": Mr Shippotester, 
     "street1":"215 Clayton St.", 
     "city":"San Francisco", 
     "country":"US", //iso2 country code 
     "phone":"+1 555 341 9393", 
     "email":"[email protected]", 

    // example address_to object dict 
    var addressTo = { 
     "name": req.body.fnames + ' ' + req.body.lnames, 
     "company": req.body.company, 
     "country": req.body.country, //iso2 country code 
     "phone":"+1 555 341 9393", 
     "email":"[email protected]", 

    // parcel object dict 
    var parcelOne = { 

    var shipment = { 
     "object_purpose": "PURCHASE", 
     "address_from": addressFrom, 
     "address_to": addressTo, 
     "parcel": [parcelOne], 
     "submission_type": "DROPOFF" 

     "shipment": shipment, 
     "servicelevel_token": "dhl_express_domestic_express_doc", 
     "carrier_account": "account_id", 
     "label_file_type": "png" 
    .then(function(transaction) { 
     "rate": transaction.rate 
     .then(function(mpsTransactions) { 
       if(mpsTransaction.object_status == "SUCCESS") { 
        console.log("Label URL: %s", mpsTransaction.label_url); 
        console.log("Tracking Number: %s", mpsTransaction.tracking_number); 
        console.log("E-Mail: %s", mpsTransaction.object_owner); 
        res.status(200).send("Label can be found under: " + mpsTransaction.label_url)); 
       } else { 
        // hanlde error transactions 
        console.log("Message: %s", mpsTransactions.messages); 
    }, function(err) { 
     // Deal with an error 
     console.log("There was an error creating transaction : %s", err.detail); 
     res.send("something happened :O") 
app.post('/successp', function (req, res) { 

    var token = req.body.stripeToken; // Using Express 
    // Charge the user's card: 
var charge = stripe.charges.create({ 
    amount: 1000, 
    currency: "eur", 
    description: "Example charge", 
    source: token, 
}, function(err, charge) { 
    // asynchronously called 
app.post('/successp', function (req, res) { 

    var token = req.body.stripeToken; // Using Express 
    // Charge the user's card: 
var charge = stripe.charges.create({ 
    amount: 1000, 
    currency: "eur", 
    description: "Example charge", 
    source: token, 
}, function(err, charge) { 
    // asynchronously called 

app.listen(3000, function() { 
    console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!') 


<!DOCTYPE html> 

<form action="https://ocelot-kgxujaijbj.now.sh/newship/" method="post"> 
    Company (Leave blank if you don't belong to one): <input type="text" name="company"><br> 
    First name: <input type="text" name="fnames"><br> 
    Last name: <input type="text" name="lnames"><br> 
    Street and Number: <input type="text" name="street"><br> 
    City: <input type="text" name="city"><br> 
    State: <input type="text" name="state"><br> 
    ZIP/PLZ: <input type="text" name="zipcode"><br> 
    Country (Please use the iso code, for example "US" for the USA or 'DE' for Germany): <input type="text" name="country"><br> 
    <input type="submit" value="Submit"> 

服務器是有效的,所以你嘗試一下自己。 在此先感謝!


您是否嘗試過使用HTTP客戶端,如郵差,試圖發送一個請求到端點以外的代碼? –


不,我會那樣做 –


完成:不能POST/newship /(這裏是params)@m_callens –




我已經取得了一些編輯您所提供的代碼,但你根本就喜歡上圍繞Mr. ShippotesteraddressFrom你失蹤引號一些錯誤。此外,你有一個額外的)你有res.status(200).send("Label can be found under: " + mpsTransaction.label_url);


var express = require('express') 
var app = express() 
var http = require('http'); 
//Shippo shipping wrapper 
var Raven = require('raven'); 
var shippo = require('shippo')('<YOUR API TEST TOKEN>'); 
const bodyParser = require('body-parser'); 
const path = require('path'); 
app.use(bodyParser.urlencoded({extended: true})); 
app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '/'))); 

app.get('/', function (req, res) { 
app.post('/newship/', function (req, res) { 

    var addressFrom = { 
     "name": "Mr Shippotester", 
     "street1":"215 Clayton St.", 
     "city":"San Francisco", 
     "country":"US", //iso2 country code 
     "phone":"+1 555 341 9393", 
     "email":"[email protected]", 

    // example address_to object dict 
    var addressTo = { 
     "name": req.body.fnames + ' ' + req.body.lnames, 
     "company": req.body.company, 
     "country": req.body.country, //iso2 country code 
     "phone":"+1 555 341 9393", 
     "email":"[email protected]", 

    // parcel object dict 
    var parcelOne = { 


    var shipment = { 
     "object_purpose": "PURCHASE", 
     "address_from": addressFrom, 
     "address_to": addressTo, 
     "parcel": [parcelOne], 
     "submission_type": "DROPOFF" 

     "shipment": shipment, 
     "servicelevel_token": "dhl_express_domestic_express_doc", 
     "carrier_account": "9f123316d413417d9cc48627c402772c", 
     "label_file_type": "png" 
    .then(function(transaction) { 
     "rate": transaction.rate 
     .then(function(mpsTransactions) { 
       if(mpsTransaction.object_status == "SUCCESS") { 
        console.log("Label URL: %s", mpsTransaction.label_url); 
        console.log("Tracking Number: %s", mpsTransaction.tracking_number); 
        console.log("E-Mail: %s", mpsTransaction.object_owner); 
        res.status(200).send("Label can be found under: " + mpsTransaction.label_url); 
       } else { 
        // hanlde error transactions 
        console.log("Message: %s", mpsTransactions.messages); 
    }, function(err) { 
     // Deal with an error 
     console.log("There was an error creating transaction : %s", err.detail); 
     res.send("something happened :O") 
app.post('/successp', function (req, res) { 

    var token = req.body.stripeToken; // Using Express 
    // Charge the user's card: 
var charge = stripe.charges.create({ 
    amount: 1000, 
    currency: "eur", 
    description: "Example charge", 
    source: token, 
}, function(err, charge) { 
    // asynchronously called 
app.post('/successp', function (req, res) { 

    var token = req.body.stripeToken; // Using Express 
    // Charge the user's card: 
var charge = stripe.charges.create({ 
    amount: 1000, 
    currency: "eur", 
    description: "Example charge", 
    source: token, 
}, function(err, charge) { 
    // asynchronously called 

app.listen(3000, function() { 
    console.log('Example app listening on port 3000!') 
<!DOCTYPE html> 




<form action="http://localhost:3000/newship" method="post"> 
    Company (Leave blank if you don't belong to one): <input type="text" name="company"><br> 
    First name: <input type="text" name="fnames"><br> 
    Last name: <input type="text" name="lnames"><br> 
    Street and Number: <input type="text" name="street"><br> 
    City: <input type="text" name="city"><br> 
    State: <input type="text" name="state"><br> 
    ZIP/PLZ: <input type="text" name="zipcode"><br> 
    Country (Please use the iso code, for example "US" for the USA or 'DE' for Germany): <input type="text" name="country"><br> 
    <input type="submit" value="Submit"> 


謝謝!它現在完美無瑕! –


沒問題!另外,感謝從原始帖子中刪除測試令牌。 – mootrichard