我正在尋找更好的或更優化的方法來複制(或在實際問題中,轉換)使用遞歸的n -ryry樹而不使用。是關於我正在試圖解決的一般情況的一些細節如下有沒有更好的方法來迭代克隆N元樹?
- 樹是n元(即高達每一級n個節點)
- 孩子們聯繫到父母和家長有名單所有的孩子
- 在樹中的任何級別,任何節點都可以是葉或分支
public TreeNode ConvertTree(TreeNode root)
Stack<TreeNode> processingStack = new Stack<TreeNode>();
Stack<Tuple<Int32, TreeNode>> resultStack = new Stack<Tuple<Int32, TreeNode>>();
TreeNode result = null;
while (processingStack.Count > 0)
var currentProcessingNode = processingStack.Pop();
var parentNode = resultStack.Count > 0 ? resultStack.Pop() : null;
// Copies all leaf nodes and assigns parent, if applicable.
var newResultNode = CopyNodeData(currentProcessingNode, parentNode != null ? parentNode.Item2 : null);
// Push sub-branch nodes onto the processing stack, and keep track of how many for
// each level.
var subContainerCount = 0;
foreach (var subContainer in currentProcessingNode.Children.Where(c => !c.IsLeaf))
// If we have have not processed all children in this parent, push it back on and
// decrement the counter to keep track of it.
if (parentNode != null && parentNode.Item1 > 1)
resultStack.Push(new Tuple<Int32, TreeNode>(parentNode.Item1 - 1, parentNode.Item2));
// If this node has sub-branches, push the newly copied node onto the result/tracking
// stack
if(subContainerCount > 0)
resultStack.Push(new Tuple<Int32, TreeNode>(subContainerCount, newResultNode));
// The very first time a new node is created, track it to return as the result
if (newResultNode.IsRoot)
result = newResultNode;
return result;
不錯!比使用多個堆棧進行導航和跟蹤要優雅得多。這正是我所忽略的那種解決方案。 – 2014-12-05 14:54:51